As I posted last week, I recently purchased the rights to another website,, using GoDaddy.  One of GoDaddy’s most useful features is adding WordPress as an application to your hosting account.  From there you have WordPress and simple webpage making at your fingertips.  Choose a theme and the rest is pretty self explanatory, well after you fumble and fail your way through, at least that is how I operate.  It takes a pound of failure when I do anything before I can get an ounce of success… oooh write that down, that is a great quote to spam all over your facebook page.

I used the Minimatica theme for my new page and I love it.  It is clean, simple, easy to navigate, and fast!  The downfall with most photo websites these days is the yearning to have these flashy flash pages that have music and all kinds of cluttered crap.  Screw that, I don’t want my visitors to get distraught with my page before the first picture loads.  Do me a favor, take a look at my new site and tell me what you think of it.  I know I need to change the header and maybe put up a slight background, but take a look at it now and tell me where I can improve.  Constructive criticism yields self improvement not self destruction…oooh man I am on a role today, you just copied and pasted that into your status update didn’t you?

What I love about WordPress is simply how easy it is to do just about anything.  There are plug ins you can install in your webpage that make it easy to customize the site to your liking.  If you don’t know HTML, don’t worry about it.  Other people do all the leg work for you with the plug ins.  If you can operate Microsoft Office Word then you will have no problems navigating your way through WordPress.  After using WordPress now for 2 web pages, I don’t think I will use anything less.

Blake Rudis
f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite are the brainchildren of Blake Rudis. While he is a landscape photographer, he is most passionate about post-processing images in Photoshop and mentoring others.

For Blake, it's all about the art and process synergy. He dives deep into complex topics and makes them easy to understand through his outside-the-box thinking so that you can use these tricks in your workflow today!
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