Take your artistry to a whole new level!
Artistic inspiration awaits. Follow right along with me and make the following images.

The Subtractive Process

The Additive Process

The Build Up Composite
Learn valuable techniques that you can use to tap into the artist that lies within you.

Create custom brushes from anything.

Take your textures to another level.
What others are saying about the course
Gain some artistic inspirational words, follow right along and learn how to create these images

The Additive Process

The Subtractive Process

The Build Up Composite
Learn how to make highly effective Custom Brushes from anything!

What is The Artist’s Bundle?
What is included in the Artist's Bundle
The Artist’s Eye: The Intro to the Artistry
- There are 5 videos included in this video training package.
- Each video is between 15 and 40 minutes in length
- Total run-time: 2 Hours 22 Minutes
- The Introduction
- The Additive Process
- Making Custom Brushes in Photoshop
- The Subtractive Process
- The Making of the Artist’s Eye
The Artist’s Eye: A Closer Look
- There are 6 videos included in this video training package.
- Each video is between 15 and 35 minutes in length
- Total run-time: 1 Hours 53 Minutes
- Thinking Like an Artist
- The Analysis of Artistic Opportunity
- The Subtractive Process
- The Making of Grunge Layers from Textures
- The Additive Process
- The Final Composite
Color Lookup Tables
Each Package Contains:
- 10 Pre-loaded Color Lookup Tables to use.
- 1 Advanced Video using Lookup Tables
Program Requirements
This is a HUGE Download!
Please be patient, these are very large downloads @ ~1.5 Gigabytes per course. It is highly recommended that you use one of the following browsers to download the file:
- Internet Explorer
- Chrome
- Safari
- Mozilla FireFox
A Plethora of Extras Included
There are plenty of extras included the course. All of the follow along images are provided as well as a border, 13 Textures, and 14 Grunge layers.
Two Packed Packages!
These Color Lookup packages come complete with Color Tables you can load and start using today. You’ll also receive an advanced look at Color Tables showing you how to seamlessly incorporate them into your workflow.
Each Package Contains:
- 10 Pre-loaded Color Lookup Tables to use.
- 1 Advanced Video using Lookup Tables

Minutes of Video Content
Awesome Presets

What exactly are Color Lookup Tables?
They are kind of like Lightroom Presets but way cooler! They are essentially presets that work across many platforms as they are saved as ICC Color Profiles. This means you can create looks in Photoshop and then export them as ICC Profiles and use them anywhere ICC Profiles are used for effects.
Isn’t that like an Action Blake?
Not really an Action can only be used in Photoshop and cannot work across many platforms. Actions can also be clunky in how they operate during your layered workflow. Color Lookup Tables are found in the Adjustment Layers and can be applied with a simple click of a button.

About the Color Lookup Table Collections
These collections include more than just a couple of presets. Included in these collections are 10 custom Color Lookup tables that I have created for your use on any photo or video you see fit for them. They are great for one click fixes to make exciting artistic looks, but it doesn’t stop there. I can’t just package up some presets and set you out the door that is not my style!
There is also an Advanced Tutorial that shows you how to use these Color Lookup Tables in your workflow and make several more Tables from the ones in these collections. I guess it’s like upcycling? Not sure if that is a word, but you will understand it after you watch the Advanced Tutorial.
What you will learn along with the Presets:
- What are Color Lookup Tables?
- Where can they be used?
- How do I use them in my Workflow?
- How can I make my own?
- How can I load them into Photoshop?
- How can I make them readily accessible in Photoshop?