Meet Your f.64 Academy Instructor

Blake Rudis
Blake Rudis is a classically trained artist who started as a painter. He transitioned into printmaking and sculpture while attending the University of Delaware, where he received his Bachelor’s degree in Fine Art.
His passion for all things Fine Art shifted when he decided to double down on his love for the American landscape. Shooting analog film starting in 1998, he took up digital photography in 2006. His journey through the American Landscape led him to start a blog and YouTube channel in 2010. Blake incorporates his knowledge of Fine Art, aesthetics, and color theory in his courses and is known for his acclaimed Photoshop® workflow.
Blake is a self-published author and works as an independent photo educator. Some of his partnerships include Topaz Labs, ON1, and Creative Live. Throughout his teaching efforts on his website f64Academy.com, Blake has helped hundreds of thousands of photographers excel in photo post-production turning ho-hum photos into stellar works of art.
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What current subscribers say about Blake’s Teaching Style
What you offer in your training/sharing/insights is not just based on your art background and your relentless drive to find ways to utilize the tools at hand to achieve an artistic goal. It’s also not just defining the goal and its process with the whys. It has consistently been (at least to me) to actually recognize my failures through a way of seeing whether or not my results actually represents what I had envisioned in a way that also communicates that vision to others. I believe that this skill that you are teaching is based on your empathy, shaped by your artistic vision and honed by your studiously pursued technique. I am so glad that I discovered you years ago.
I have learned more from you Blake than all the others I have struggled with. Your training makes sense and ties it all together rather than bits and pieces in disjointed ways that make no sense to the overall use! More importantly too is that your training teaches the WHY as to what tools to use as I edit my photos. It explains what Photoshop is doing in the background that I’ve found no other training does. I still have so much to learn but I no longer feel totally defeated in every learning Photoshop or photography in general.
So thank you, thank you, thank you!
As for Photoshop and for the knowledge of image editing, you are one step ahead of everything I have seen after more than 15 years studying this subject through the “gurus on duty,” and this not because you study more, but because of something fundamental in the advancement of any knowledge, you are always investigating. I am lucky to nourish myself early on your achievements. I congratulate your personal journey in this regard.
The best photography education I ever had thus far. Blake has the ability to explain lessons and concepts in a way that you will easily grasp it. And he even supplements the learnings with sensible analogies that really help you grasp the lessons easier.
Blake Rudis is an animated guru. Some of the photoshop instructors I have watched are better than Ambien. He is so smart, technically knowledgeable, and unpretentious. I am starting to learn a lot more about the physics of color that I have missed in the years.
In my whole life I have never learned so much, and enjoyed learning so much, as I have learned from you in the last months.
What you explain to us students with your knowledge and skills in very simple words is indescribable. In my eyes Photoshop is one of the most difficult and extensive programs available and with your explanations and tools it is very easy to use.
It’s really fun and I immediately had very useful results.
Since March, I have gotten up early almost every day to spend one or two hours with Photoshop. I started with you almost every day and have always learned something new. That is phenomenal!
After purchasing many of the different on line courses for photo shop, your 30 day challenge really turned the key. Your teaching style, energy, and passion really resonated with me and enabled me to progress. Most importantly your course has not only improved my skills in photoshop……..but has also made me a better and more confident photographer. Thank you!!!
I have been searching for the absolute best photoshop training for more than a year now. Shopping parameters were precision post-processing, training, value, and of course, someone who could actually teach, could be contacted personally, has tremendous pride in their product, and genuinely cares for my success.
Actions speak louder than words and, Blake delivers. The Zone System Express 6 and f/64 Elite are exactly what I need to reach my personal photography goals.