Moo Cards are quite possibly one of the best options out there for photographer professionals.  They offer the option to print multiple pictures per order.  For instance, say you have an awesome portfolio of 5-7 images and want a business card for each one.  That could get pricey if you were to order 50 of each.  Moo Cards offers the ability to order 100 cards each with a different front image.

I printed 100 cards for my show last month.  It came to about $40 with a coupon code for free shipping.  That is about 40 cents per card.  Pretty pricey, but the question stands, is the quality of the card worth the cost?  Let’s have a look!

At First Glance:

These cards are beautiful!  They have a sheen that really makes your images pop right off the card.  As a matter of fact, everyone that picked up the card said, “These are beautiful cards!”  The best part about them, they are keepsakes.  People will hold onto these cards instead of tossing them to the side.  If you want to leave a lasting impression, these cards will do just that.

The quality of the print is flawless as well.  The detail in these little cards is just as good if not better than looking at them on my monitor.  Sure, small prints are easier than large ones as they do not blow out the pixels, but I have used other business card services that could not render a print quite as beautifully as Moo Cards.

The packaging the cards are shipped in is convenient as well.  Moo Cards provides a hard case for each pack of 50 with a spot for your cards and any other cards you may collect as well.

Moo-Cards-Good-Ones Moo-Cards-Good-Box

Looking a Little Closer:

The first 50 pack of cards were excellent.  The second 50 pack left more to be desired.  As I handed one out I noticed a white band on the back of my black card.  I flipped it over and saw the tops of all of the cards had about a sixteenth to an eighth of an inch from the picture before it.

At first glance this is pretty hard to pick out.  However, a closer look makes it very visible.  I am not sure what happened with the second batch of 50, but at 40 cents per card this is unacceptable.  I had made sure all of the pictures were the correct size for the cards and proofed them before I pressed submit.

So what happened?  The first batch of 50 came out perfect!  The second batch was off by quite a bit.  To add insult to injury the second box was shipped with a peeling wrap.

Moo-Cards-Bad-Box Moo-Cards-Bad-Card-Front Moo-Cards-Bad-Card-Back

My Assessment:

I would love to order Moo Cards again for my professional portfolio business cards.  However, with the quality assurance lacking in the print department I may be hesitant to order them again and may actually discourage a friend or fellow reader to order them either.  They are beautiful, but order at your own risk, especially at 40 cents per card!


Blake Rudis
f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite are the brainchildren of Blake Rudis. While he is a landscape photographer, he is most passionate about post-processing images in Photoshop and mentoring others.

For Blake, it's all about the art and process synergy. He dives deep into complex topics and makes them easy to understand through his outside-the-box thinking so that you can use these tricks in your workflow today!
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