Topaz Labs Texture Effects Webinar
Today I will be conducting a webinar with Topaz Labs showcasing their latest product release, Texture Effects. Texture Effects fills a void in the Topaz product line that we didn’t know existed. Topaz has an abundance of useful tools in their plugins and all with very different purposes. One would think they ran the gamut from ReStyle, to Impression, and the elusive Glow. Then Texture Effects rolls onto the scene.
Its name implies that it is simply a texture rendering engine. However, the likewise is true, you can make some incredible images with the tools in this new plugin without ever adding a texture. This revokes the title “Tool” from the new plugin and makes it the entire Workbench.
In this webinar I will show you how to use Texture Effects to make some difficult effects rather easily. We will be building presets, modifying existing presets and combining Texture Effects with its sister programs, Glow and Impression. As usual, these webinars fill up fast! So get registered while there is still space available:
Webinar starts at 4PM Central Time
During the webinar the following images will be created. Unlike the many technical webinars I have shown in the past, this one will focus on the creative nature of things. We will discuss the best images to apply textures to, when and why to use certain effects, and how multiple plugins can be used to maximize the artistic effect in your images.
I am trying to find and download the textures that you had with the texture webinar. I am sure I am a member of EverydayHDR but cannot get to the site except by the link I get when you send me an email. I dont know what is wrong, you have already reset my password to ( I am a member of that too)
Resetting the HDRinsider password did not help me get to the everydayHDR site to get goodies.
Please help. Maybe it is because I may have signed up for that on
Cheryl Ellis (cherlyn)
Cheryl Ellis.