That is right, you read that correctly! now has a forum for you to collaborate with the HDR community! Join up today to start sharing your work and experiences with HDR.
There are a ton of highlights you will find in the forums. There is poll voting for your favorite camera and tone mapping software. A learning section dedicated to sharing knowledge of HDR and Photography related topics. You can also upload and share your HDR images either for critiquing or just for fun! I am excited about the possibilities this HDR community will have to offer!
All of this would not be possible without the hard work of Paul Ciura who miraculously emulated the EverydayHDR website in Forum form! Awesome job Paul! Add him on G+!
I tried to frustration’s end to register, but whatever i type or paste into the random question field, i keep getting “The answer given for the random question was incorrect.” as the reason for registration failure.
What is the to the letter correct answer for “What’s the name of the site you are on right now?”
I tried everydayhdr, everyday hdr, EverydayHDR, the website name and all kinds of variations, but it just won’t accept any of them as a valid answer.
I fixed the random question, we had difficulty with that too, but thought we had it covered. I just registered a dummy user. Go ahead and try it now. My apologies!
Thought we had that fixed…my bad.
No problem!