Big Love For Small Things

Big Love For Small Things

I know that is quite the inviting title for jokes, so go ahead and bring them on! I am pretty sure there was a video with that title in the backroom of the video store I worked at in college… I love macro, I think it is by far one of the most interesting aspects...
A Few Of My Favorite Things

A Few Of My Favorite Things

The month of August is looking pretty busy for me! Unfortunately, I will have no acces to my camera for the few weeks and very limited computer access. Horrible isn’t it? I am going to use this opportunity to try something new on EverydayHDR.  I am going to do a...
How To Post Process Animal Portraits

How To Post Process Animal Portraits

There are several ways to post process animal photos.  There really is no right or wrong way and quite honestly I am no expert at it either.  I tend to enjoy a nice solid background as it tends to allow the personality of the animal to flourish without distractions....
EverydayHDR on Your Television!

EverydayHDR on Your Television!

    Do you own a Roku Player?  If so, search for the Rate Rix Channel, nestled under Photo and Video, and install it into your channels.  Once you have it all installed and are registered up, search for “everydayhdr”.  You now have access to all...

Banners On the Cheap Review

I have always wanted to see the EverydayHDR logo on a large banner.  I guess it is due to the visions in my head about it seeing the logo in giant lights in Hollywood or NYC, what a boy can dream right?  Until that day comes, I have the luxury of staring at my epicly...
Easy Print Canvas Review

Easy Print Canvas Review

When it comes to printing on canvas, the online market is relatively over saturated.  It can be difficult to weed out the good from the bad, especially if you do not know exactly what you to look for.  I recently had the honor and privilege of receiving one of my...

Brick and Mortar Experiment

I am continuing with some experiments that have been spawned by my interest from the sunset pics a couple of weeks ago.  In that experiment I toyed with the idea of minimizing my exposure brackets for HDR from 5 to 3, staying within the +/-2 EV range but throwing out...
The Importance of Raw

The Importance of Raw

RAW vs JPEG JPEG If you are not shooting in RAW you should really consider it for several reasons.  Let me first walk you through the adventurous life that a photograph travels when you shoot in JPEG.  Every camera runs an image through several filters prior to...