by Blake Rudis | Nov 12, 2019 | Beginner, Tutorial |
We realize this isn’t the most popular topic in Photography. It isn’t searched nearly as much as Luminosity Masking or the Clone Stamp Tool. But we know that if you begin to consider yourself an artist you will become a better photographer, period. Tools...
by Blake Rudis | Nov 8, 2019 | Tutorial |
Photoshop CC 2020 was released earlier this week. There are a bunch of excellent new features that I think you will grow to love, but there is one in particular that I find incredibly useful. I have to admit that every time there is a significant update like this, I...
by Blake Rudis | Oct 17, 2019 | Intermediate, Tutorial |
Do you edit with a Pen and Tablet? My first run-in with a pen and tablet for Photoshop was in 2008 with a Wacom Bamboo Fun Tablet. I can still remember getting it. It felt awesome to use but was also very difficult to get used to. At first, I used it for everything...
by Blake Rudis | Oct 3, 2019 | f64 Academy News |
The Leader in the Bundle World for a Reason – 5DayDeal Team Many people are talking about the ‘buzz’ surrounding the 5DayDeal right now. I will spare you my thoughts on the bundle (I have nothing but great things to say) and instead give you my...
by Blake Rudis | Sep 26, 2019 | Intermediate, Tutorial |
Mastering Workflow with Libraries in Photoshop CC Are you getting the most out of your Adobe CC subscription? If you are not using libraries in Photoshop CC, you probably aren’t… Libraries aren’t the sexiest topic we can talk about on f.64 Academy,...
by Blake Rudis | Sep 20, 2019 | Intermediate, Tutorial |
How to use the Inverted adjustment Layer to fix over-saturation Have you ever seen Stranger Things on Netflix? It is one of my wife and I’s favorite shows to watch when the kids go to bed. We have far surpassed all the episodes and are longing for the next...