by Blake Rudis | Oct 13, 2015 | f64 Academy News |
The 4Cs Convention “What if I told you a simple Photography process with three letters could change your life forever?” That was the first line of my presentation to the 4Cs Convention during my HDR Mastery Course. As silly, surreal, or maybe even to some, stupid as...
by Blake Rudis | Oct 9, 2015 | Beginner, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
Finally, Dehaze Brush in ACR and Lightroom It goes to show you that if enough people ask Adobe will listen. A Dehaze Brush feature has been added to ACR and Lr with the most recent update to Photoshop and Lightroom. This is great news and really opens the floor to...
by Blake Rudis | Oct 6, 2015 | f64 Academy News |
HDR Insider Projects and the Importance of Practice, Feedback and Competition This epic video trailer was made by an HDR Insider member, Chris Murray. Chris also heads up the Facebook bi-weekly Challenge and comes up with some great project challenges for us! Every...
by Blake Rudis | Oct 2, 2015 | Beginner, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
Light Interface, Dark Interface, does it matter? I have been doing quite a bit of experimentation on this Photoshop interface topic lately. It seems most companies have evolved from a light interface to a dark interface. If you remember back to Photoshop CS 5 the...
by Blake Rudis | Sep 29, 2015 | f64 Academy News |
Infrared Photography – My Most Expensive Experiment Yet I can remember the first filter I purchased for Infrared Photography. It was a Hoya 720 nm Filter for my Olympus E-30 about 9 years ago. I put it on my camera, pointed at a tree, expected great things,...
by Blake Rudis | Sep 25, 2015 | f64 Academy News |
You’ve seen the review… now the ParticleShop Tutorial Earlier this week I posted my review of ParticleShop and today I’ll show you the ParticleShop Tutorial. While this plugin does have its limiting factors it can produce some rather interesting...