by Blake Rudis | Aug 11, 2015 | Product Review |
The Living Picture | A Lytro Illum First Glance Review I was intrigued by what Lytro was doing several years ago with their introductory camera. What photographer wouldn’t be? A camera that does not capture focus data and can be refocused at a later time. A...
by Blake Rudis | Aug 7, 2015 | Beginner, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
The Spiral Flower Graphic EffectThis is something new to me, the Spiral Flower effect, but not totally new to the wonderful world of Photoshop. It was originally published on this site a few years back (December 2011) and that individual learned it here (published in...
by Blake Rudis | Jul 31, 2015 | Advanced, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
The Zone Systems… with everything else out there… why bother? I get this question a lot… why the Zone Systems? I’d say at least 3 times a month. With the Launch of the new Zone Systems Master Class I feel like I have not heard the end of it!...
by Blake Rudis | Jul 24, 2015 | Intermediate, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
Blend If to the creative rescue! The first Bonus video for the Zone Systems Master Class is all about Blend If. One of the big new updates in the upcoming Zone Systems Course is the use of “Blend If” options. These are stuck in the Layer Styles of any...
by Blake Rudis | Jul 17, 2015 | 3 Minute Flash Tutorai, Beginner, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
Add Depth and a Story when you Texture a Photo A great way to add a story and depth to your image is to texture a photo. I do this often with photos that could use something extra to make them more dynamic. Kind of like the photo in the video you see today. A...
by Blake Rudis | Jul 14, 2015 | f64 Academy News |
Photography is a lot like a bad relationship sometimes Last month the family and I went on a trip to Maine to attend a friends wedding and make a little vacation out of it. It was a great time to just hang out with the family with very limited internet connection and...