HDR Concert #5: Harvest

The Latest HDR Concert has gone live and boy is it more beautiful than the last.  I was thoroughly impressed by the submissions this time around.  There are some awesome Compositors out there!  Head on over to the HDR Concert Page and take a look for yourself.

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Longview Lake

Longview Lake

Last Friday I took a trip out to the old Longview Farm in Lee's Summit Missouri with a good photog friend of mine, Keith Moyer.  Keith hosts an awesome blog following his HDR and photography endeavors, Time To Take Pictures.  I saw these awesome pillars on his blog...

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Nothing New Today

Well, I have been crazy busy working on my image for HDR Concert #5 and have had no time to put together a Tutorial for the week.  Don't let that discourage you!  I have a whole page full of tutorials, as a matter of fact there are 74 tutorials posted there.  Some of...

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Lighthouse In Pensacola

Lighthouse In Pensacola

  Happy belated Father's Day to all you father's out there reading this.  I had a great day myself, post processed some images from Pensacola, made some killer kabobs on the grill and to top it off, my little man fell asleep on me.  There is no greater feeling in...

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Digital Photo Review

Digital Photo Review

I often find myself looking at the new camera bodies coming out and wondering, "Just how much better is that camera than mine?"  I know I can always go to the manufacturer's website and check out the specs, but did you know there is an incredible resource out there...

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Some Time In Pensacola

Some Time In Pensacola

I was in Pensacola last week for some training and had a few minutes one afternoon to venture about.  I stopped into the Navy Aviation Museum and had a blast photographing the Blue Angels on display.  I don't know much about aviation and sadly cannot tell you the...

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Just After Blue Hour

Just After Blue Hour

As I am still processing many of the photos from last week, I am coming across some pretty interesting captures.  The area we went to get that great pano of Kansas City is the World War 1 Memorial, it offers one of the best actually.  After shooting Union Station for...

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