This month’s Concert was pretty challenging and may have scared away a few (no pun intended)! The premise was to download the brackets, as usual, but then composite either a Zombie or Zombie Hunter into the composition. I had a blast with this one and really expected more entries.
This Concert concludes the HDR Concert Series on EverydayHDR. Have no fear! I have another option all lined up and will be announcing it tomorrow, November 1st!
The entries, in order of receipt:
Johnny Santiago
Location: Redondo Beach California
I’ve been a Freelance photographer for about 12 years now shooting mainly coastlines, Sunsets etc. I love shooting long exposure pictures at night. I like HDR photos if they are done right. I’m trying to perfect the photo realistic look. My Cameras of choice are Nikon.
Post Processing Highlights:
- I brought the photos into Lightroom and then sent to Photomatix for basic tone mapping, Strength, Lighting adjustments, White point and luminosity and sent back to Lightroom.
- In Lightroom brought down the highlights and increased the shadows.
- Sent to Photoshop and applied a High Pass Sharpening layer with Linear lite blend mode. Replaced the sky with dark clouds. Then added 4 zombies and one bat from the internet. (I couldn’t find anyone to be my zombie) Added shadows where needed and sent back to Lightroom.
- Increased the contrast on the whole picture and painted more color saturation on the zombies and the brick wall
- Applied noise reduction and a bit more sharpening.
- Added a vignette and done.
Where can I Find Johnny: Facebook
Stephen Morley
Location: Southern Ontario, Canada
Longtime amateur photographer who enjoys the journey as much as the destination.
Post Processing Highlights:
- Blended street scene into 32bit file and selectively dodge and burned
- Selectively blurred this using a gradiant map
- Selectly edited and layered photos of a cat and new sky
- Selected edited and layered a photo from a recent Toronto Zombie walk
- Composed these with original scene.
- Used Topaz Adjust to blend tones
- Further dodged and burned the result.
Blake Rudis
Location: Kansas City, MO
I am the one responsible for EverydayHDR, take that as you may!
Check out the Photo shoot for this zombie photo:
How To Photograph a Difficult Subject
and a close representation as to how it was post processed:
Zombie Photo Post Processing
Post Processing Highlights:
- Mildly tone mapped the brackets in Photomatix.
- Into Adobe Camera Raw for some highlight and shadow recovery along with noise reduction and a touch of clarity.
- Brought it into Photoshop and did several Curves adjustments on the highlights, mid tones, and shadows.
- Blew out the background a bit and dropped in a Zombie pic from the above photo shoot.
- Post processed the zombie using the techniques in the above tutorial.
- Stamped the layers and used Topaz Adjust to bring them together and match the color temperatures. It also gave the photo a nice grungy appearance.