Yep, there is a ton of it out there! Over-saturated HDR crap that gives HDR a bad name! I know that may be a bold statement and many may take offense to it, however, my intent, my sincere intent is to help those out who may not see it that way.
When I first started “HDRing” I made a lot of crap, a tone of crap I should say. I got really giddy when I saw the first HDR image I made and boy was it a nasty mess of over-saturated crap! The problem did not lie in the fact that I made that crap, but that no one had the decency to tell me it was crap.
The good news? This over -saturated HDR crap is a turd that you can polish!

Thanks, this was very helpful. I usually do a lot of this type of work in Lightroom, I had learned the PS tools, but the information didn’t stick, I learned quite a bit watching this tutorial!
Are you still shooting with your E-30? Fingers crossed that there is a totally reworked E-7 on the horizon, love my E-30 with the 12-60, 50-200, and 50mm macro lenses, but I will definitely consider an upgrade!
Awesome! I am glad you found it useful! I am still holding onto the E-30, I love it and hate Oly all at the same time, what can ya do? If I had the opportunity, I would probably jump ship and go Canon, but that is out of the question right now! An E-7 would be nice, but I fear if you hold your breath you may faint! Probably see an E-50 first and then maybe, maybe an E-7 but they keep making those stupid pocket rocket SLRs!
Blake, I can indeed vouch for you that the door was green, and not cyan. Useful and timely tutorial, considering the number of tone-mapped images I find myself playing with…
Thank you for stepping up and calling the crap like you see it. I’m barely getting started, but oversaturated HDR crap makes me cringe. How does anyone think that looks good? It’s almost as bad as selective color, and that’s really saying something. Lol.
Great tutorial. Thanks!
Yeah, sometimes you have to do it! If you are just getting started you have come to the right place! Feel free to email me with whatever questions you have, When I first started I made a lot of crap, I’ll be honest! It wasn’t that I liked it necessarily it was more like, “WOW, IO have never seen detail and saturation like this!!!” The experience had me making tons of crap. I learned my lesson after a few months and started to dial it down.
Everyone has to start somewhere! It is probably better to make the over-saturated crap in the beginning so you know what not to do! Haha… I have done some selective color also… haha