onOne’s Perfect Effects 8 is a great plugin for Photoshop that can create some unique effects. It is very intuitive, with the ability to apply the Filters and Presets to just about any tonal range of your photo. This addition does not restrict you to global filters, you can apply them to the Highs, Mids, Lows, individual Color Channels and much more! I did a review a few weeks ago about what I liked about it … just about everything!
With the unique ability to apply filters to specific tonal ranges you have unlimited possibilities in your HDR Workflow. In this tutorial I will show you how to get a great HDR Effect on a single image without going overboard on tone mapping or giving it a contrived HDR feel. It really is a subtle technique, but sometimes the subtleties make all the difference!
In the image belew, pay particular attention to the detail in the snow and barn, then watch the tutorial to see how it was done … and how you can automate it with a Preset for quick future use!

Hi Blake,
great tutorial of one of my favorite plugins onOne perfect photosuite 8.
Kind regards
Thanks! I love this plugin. It has a lot of potential.