Why HDR?

So why HDR?  You can ask yourself all day….. but instead I’ll tell you why, and give you a blaring example of…WHY!

When I first joined Redbubble.com I was floored by the amazing photographers I was surrounded by.  It was frustrating, here I was with my camera and no idea how everyone had such great pictures… where were mine?  12 years of photography, 10 years of Photoshop experience, and a Bachelor’s in Fine Art… where were my epic pictures?  I needed to know how they did it and what I was doing wrong.

After scanning a couple of Redbubblers, I found the three letters that would change my life forever….HDR!!! No three letters go so well together, HDR, High Dynamic Range.  I ordered three books off of amazon.com and read, and read, and read, until my brain was a sponge sopping wet with HDR knowledge.  I grabbed my camera and said, “Let’s Do This!”

Auto Bracket…Check, Tripod….Check, Cable Shutter Release….Check, Beautiful California Landscape…. Check! I processed the images in Photomatix Pro, and there it was, love at first sight.  HDR has become a way of life for me.  I want you to experience it like I did, and more importantly, I want you to have the ability to do it too.  I will give you all of the knowledge necessary to do it.  Get yourself an HDR toolbox, I am going to help you fill it!

Here are 5 quick reasons of WHY HDR? and an example!  We will get into more reasons at greater length later.  Let this soak in!

  1. Precise Detail
  2. Impeccable Light
  3. Life-like Texture
  4. Capture what YOU see, not what your sensor sees
  5. and the most technical reason, it just looks so cool!

Why HDR?

The FORMULA for EPIC photos... and it's 40% off for a limited time!