Klaus’ eBook Cover

I have been following Klaus Herrmann, of Farbspiel Photography, for a while now.  A few years ago I placed some of my tutorials on his Resources Index section of his site.  It is a very useful collection of HDR resources gathered from subject matter experts from all over the world.

Recently, Klaus released his first eBook in his “Photo Cookbook Series”.  If you follow him on G+, you have seen his beautiful Veroramas.  I was stunned with the first one I saw, dumbfounded by the second, inquisitive by the third, and extremely jealous by the fourth!  I was very curious as to how Klaus was making these HDR Vertoramas.

Low and behold he has bestowed upon us an in-depth look at how he creates these vertoramas, or vertical panoramas, in his new eBook A Practical Guide To HDR Vertorama Photography.  I had the absolute pleasure of reading it recently and would love to share my thoughts with you!

The Good:

  • Klaus has a strong background in writing and book creation.  You can very easily tell by how well the book is designed and how well it flows from one concept to the next.  Every Chapter is a stepping stone to the next that not only gives you the pertinent information you need, but reviews the key points before progressing into the next Chapter.  It is text book excellence for such an intensely process oriented HDR technique.
  • Often times I read eBooks and diagrams and pictures are simply strewn about the book with no real explanation other than content filler.  That is not the case in Klaus’ publication.  Every picture is relevant to the topic being discussed and extremely helpful in learning the advanced concepts that he is conveying.
  • Furthermore, the diagrams in the book are extremely helpful and very well designed.  Klaus’ knowledge of Photoshop is evident in the diagrams he places before you.

    Klaus’ awesome diagrams!

  • I learned a lot.  Sure I have been doing this HDR thing for quite some time.  I have even done quite a few horizontal and vertical panoramas, but I learned that I was doing them haphazardly and that there was a more systematic way to do them with better equipment.  Not only does Klaus mention this equipment, he shows you how to calibrate it to your specific camera and lens combination!

The Bad:

  • I want to go back to many locations to shoot them in Vertical Panoramas, unfortunately many of those places are in California and I don’t live there anymore!  Thanks Klaus (I say facetiously), thanks for making me regret not knowing what I know now!

The Bottom Line:

A Practical Guide To HDR Vertorama Photography is a truly incredible resource on vertical panorama shooting.  It truly does not get better than this.   As a matter of fact, it is the only book in its class!  The low cost of $19.99 ($15.99 if you subscribe to his site) is minuscule compared to the breadth of knowledge contained within it.  Get your copy today, you will not regret it!  Awesome publication, Klaus!  Keep ’em coming!

An example of what you will learn from Klaus’ excellent eBook!


Blake Rudis
f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite are the brainchildren of Blake Rudis. While he is a landscape photographer, he is most passionate about post-processing images in Photoshop and mentoring others.

For Blake, it's all about the art and process synergy. He dives deep into complex topics and makes them easy to understand through his outside-the-box thinking so that you can use these tricks in your workflow today!
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