HDR INSIDER Monthly Project Winner!

This month the members of HDR Insider were assigned a texture project.  I gave the Insiders a texture package and no rules other than at least one texture had to be used.  They were also able to use any image in their personal inventory.

The Insiders Rock, here are the Winner and the Runner’s Up! 

This project was a bit different than normal.  Instead of issuing the brackets for the project, I offered a Texture Package to be used on any photo of your choice.  The entries that came through were very well done and there was some very creative uses for texture.  Some people had never used a texture before in their workflow and produced some awesome results for a first go around.

With this project I was looking for the following criteria.

  1. How well was the texture incorporated into the image?  Some of the most successful uses of texture are so subtle they could almost be missed if you didn’t know a texture was used.
  2. How well did the texture integrate with the subject matter?
  3. How was the overall composition and balance of the photograph used?

I was thoroughly impressed with Debra Laurie’s use of texture on the wall of the room she photographed.  Such a subtle, yet successful use of texture that blended so well with the subject matter chosen.  The winner of this month’s project and the Beyond the Wheel: The Color Zone System is Debra Laurie!  Excellent use of texture Debra!

 Here is an image I took a short while ago. I used Photomatix, Lightroom and Photoshop for this image. In Photoshop I used 1 of Blake’s textures on the walls and 1 of mine on the walls as well. I did a dodge and burn layer and tried to make the pillars outside darker to give some depth to the image.




Somehow the same two people landed in the same Runner’s-Up positions!  Great job on these photo’s!


Runner-Up #1:  The sepia toned look in combination with the sold composition make this a very effective photo with an effective use of texture.





Runner-Up #2:  This is a great portrait with very nice lighting and processing.  The use if texture adds an element of interest to the background.




Want to get in on the project Action?

Every month I supply a project for the members of HDR Insider to process.  The winner receives a pretty sweet giveaway, like Software, or Training Packages!

There are several other reasons to join HDR Insider, have a peek for yourself!

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Blake Rudis
f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite are the brainchildren of Blake Rudis. While he is a landscape photographer, he is most passionate about post-processing images in Photoshop and mentoring others.

For Blake, it's all about the art and process synergy. He dives deep into complex topics and makes them easy to understand through his outside-the-box thinking so that you can use these tricks in your workflow today!
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