Strategies to Squash Gear Lust

Strategies to Squash Gear Lust

Have Gear Lust?  Here’s your cold shower… There comes a time in any photographer’s life where they long for more.  Not more photos or even better photos, that is an ongoing process, but more gear.  We are in a fast moving technological age and lust...
HDR Photography is NOT DEAD!

HDR Photography is NOT DEAD!

It is very much ALIVE!  (Blake steps on Soap Box) I recently read an article titled “Is the Death of HDR Coming?”.  Where I read it is not necessarily important to point out.  I would prefer to allow the source and author to remain credible, as they are,...
The HDR Master Class!

The HDR Master Class!

Coming To Kansas City in May! I have been blogging about HDR Photography for just about 4 and a half years.  I have put in thousands of long hours and thought about exposure brackets for entirely too long. When I started this my number one goal was to become a...
onOne Perfect Effects 9 Review

onOne Perfect Effects 9 Review

About a year ago I reviewed onOne’s Perfect Effects 8 after they ran a promotional giveaway for it.  It quickly became an asset to my HDR endeavors and I have found myself jumping in and out of there more frequently in the last year.  Not too long ago onOne...