Perfect Effects 9 is about to get a whole lot better!


As if a great plugin suite couldn’t get much better they went ahead and went above and beyond.  The Perfect Effects Suite upgrade from 9 to 9.5 is just around the corner.  I had the luxury of giving the beta test a go this week.  While I really only focused on Perfect Effects 9, due to my recent affair with it (HDR and Perfect Effects 9: Essential Workflow Secrets), the entire Suite received some welcome upgrades.  I won’t ramble on about all of the Suite’s upgrades as the folks at On1 did a great job summing that up here:

>>What’s New with Perfect Photo Suite 9.5<<

What does this mean for users of Perfect Effects 9?  This is a free upgrade to 9.5, it is just about two weeks out from release and you will receive notification in one or all of these three ways:

  • Email registered users the day 9.5 is posted to our site
  • Auto update feature built into the app will prompt you to download the update once it’s posted
  • You can also get it here at any time after the post date

During my tour of the new Perfect Effects 9.5 I didn’t notice too much change to the interface.  It appears there is a new Line Masking Tool which may be helpful, but for the most par everything appears the same.  That is of course until you go to the Masking section by either navigating the menu bar or right clicking on your mask.

Perfect Effects 9.5 Luminosity Masking 1

They added a Luminosity Mask feature.  This feature allows you to create a Luminosity Mask from the Luminance channel of the photo you are working on.  I did some extensive testing with it and was able to create some intense results.

Perfect Effects 9.5 Luminosity Masking 2

In this tutorial I will show you 2 very interesting techniques using the new Luminosity Masking Feature:

  1. How to Make the Lens Flare Filter a whole lot better!
  2. How to make dual processed antique photos using inverse Luminosity Masks


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Blake Rudis
f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite are the brainchildren of Blake Rudis. While he is a landscape photographer, he is most passionate about post-processing images in Photoshop and mentoring others.

For Blake, it's all about the art and process synergy. He dives deep into complex topics and makes them easy to understand through his outside-the-box thinking so that you can use these tricks in your workflow today!
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