by Blake Rudis | Jan 21, 2013 | f64 Academy News |
Last week my wife and I went to the Lake of the Ozarks. While there we took a stroll over to the Bridal Cave, thank goodness for Grandparents! It would have been nice to take the wee man with us, but I fear it would have scared him. We had a great tour through the...
by Blake Rudis | Jan 18, 2013 | Advanced, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
The Shadows/Highlights Adjustment Tool in Photoshop CS 5 & 6 is a very powerful asset. It is tucked away pretty deep in the menus and not found in the normal adjustment layer section. It is very similar to that of the shadow and highlight adjustments in Adobe...
by Blake Rudis | Jan 15, 2013 | f64 Academy News |
Well we weren’t actually stuck in the Ozarks. It snowed and it very rarely does that there so we made it an excuse to lay around and make it a lazy day instead of drive home. Before the sun could get to the fresh snow, I went out and snagged some pictures of...
by Blake Rudis | Jan 14, 2013 | f64 Academy News |
We went on vacation this weekend to get away from the cold weather… little did we know it would snow in the Ozarks! So stay tuned for tomorrow, I will have a fresh post for ya! Of course I used this as a photo op!
by Blake Rudis | Jan 11, 2013 | Beginner, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
Image Size is not a fun thing to talk about. It is really kind of boring in my opinion. When I think Photoshop, I think awesome fun photo blasting excitement, not math and image constraints… However, it is an unfortunate beast that must be tamed especially for...
by Blake Rudis | Jan 9, 2013 | f64 Academy News |
How to Write an eBook & Publish it Online in Less Than 7 Days! That is the eBook I bought on how to write an eBook. That is one of those odd statements and almost ironic in a way, an eBook about eBooks. Regardless of the trite thought, I had...
by Blake Rudis | Jan 7, 2013 | f64 Academy News |
The snow is almost melted from the storm we had about 2 weeks ago. It is bittersweet, a fresh snowfall is absolutely gorgeous, but the after effects, especially what it looks like now, is the exact opposite! I am glad I still have these pictures to edit though as...
by Blake Rudis | Jan 4, 2013 | Intermediate, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
I talk about dodging and burning a lot on EverydayHDR, as a matter of fact, I have done 3 separate video tutorials, one written tutorial, and I even threw in a segment about it in my eBook. It is an extremely important step in the HDR process as you tend to lose a...
by Blake Rudis | Jan 2, 2013 | f64 Academy News |
Every new year you find everyone has a new resolution. They want to do something to better themselves, give themselves something to look forward to. They make that new resolution and things are going great for one or two weeks and then they fall off the band wagon...
by Blake Rudis | Dec 28, 2012 | Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
Many of you may know how powerful Camera Raw is during the post processing of your photographs. There are so many awesome adjustments that can save just about any photo from the horrors of a horrible exposure or white balance. Did you know that Camera Raw can also...