HDR One, Online HDR Magazine

HDR One, Online HDR Magazine

I was strolling through Google doing some HDR research when I stumbled across HDR One, an online HDR Magazine.  There are some awesome contributors to this magazine.  I found many of the articles to be very worthwhile.  I registered to begin contributing to their...
I Am Diggin’ Fall

I Am Diggin’ Fall

I am always diggin’ Fall, it is probably my favorite season, no wait it is my favorite season.  I guess you could say the Fall Tri-Fecta happened here this weekend, we had our first freeze, we went to the pumpkin patch, and I made 5 pounds of chili!  Yes, it was...
HDR Efex Pro 2.0 Review

HDR Efex Pro 2.0 Review

I know I know, I am a bit behind the curve on this one, but I got my hands on it and put it to the EverydayHDR test.  I ran HDR Efex Pro 2 through the ringer over the last few days to see if it had the stones everyone was talking it up to have.  I pitted Nik’s...
Pelicans in Kansas?

Pelicans in Kansas?

I think even Dorothy would be lost at the sight I saw last week.  I was leaving work and happened to look over my shoulder as I was crossing the lake from the Kansas to the Missouri side, there were hundreds of Pelicans just hanging out in the water.  Normally these...

Black and White Video Tutorial

Download the RGBCMYWK Color Wheel I know you have converted an image to black and white before, we all have, but did you know what happened to your color specifically?  Black and White is more than just that, Black or White, in photography it is how a color translates...
Shooting Into The Sun

Shooting Into The Sun

Some people say you shouldn’t shoot into the sun, however, I think you can get interesting results sometimes.  The sun flare provided by the sun can be a cool effect.  I really like it on the image below.  I could have easily avoided the sun flare by adjusting...