by Blake Rudis | Mar 12, 2021 | Beginner, Tutorial |
Finally … Simple Color Grading! I have taught so many ways to color grade a photo that I can’t even recall them all. They range from Gradients to Gradient Maps, and how many using Selective Color? Many of these techniques produce great results, but they...
by Blake Rudis | Mar 5, 2021 | Intermediate, Post Processing, Tutorial |
The Topic of Conversation During my last Live Event, I received a TON of questions about the difference between FLOW and OPACITY related to the brush in Photoshop. Do not confuse this with OPACITY and FILL in the layer palette. They are two very different topics. ...
by Blake Rudis | Feb 12, 2021 | f64 Academy News, Intermediate, Tutorial |
I am on a mission today to see if I can make a better brush than the big soft edge brush in Photoshop. You might be asking, why Blake, why can’t you leave well enough alone? My wife says the same things to me all the time. Truth is, I like the big soft brush...
by Blake Rudis | Feb 5, 2021 | Intermediate, Tutorial |
Tree We can’t always have beautiful trees in fields for the best photo ops… or can we? Photoshop has a filter called Render Tree. It’s a neat little filter that while clever, very rarely can pass as a real tree. However, if you look at a photo of a...
by Blake Rudis | Jan 29, 2021 | Beginner, f64 Academy News, Intermediate, Tutorial |
Vignettes in Photoshop and ACR + Lightroom Vignettes are extremely powerful tools for grabbing your viewer’s attention. They can very quickly make an ordinary photo look incredible! But, there are some problems with traditional vignettes. 1. They can look too...
by Blake Rudis | Jan 8, 2021 | Intermediate, Tutorial |
Your Black & White Processing Needs this Intel A few months ago, I did a video that made a BOLD claim that I would take composition over color any day as the biggest contributor to viewer response. It was the topic of a lot of discussion on the f.64 Academy...