by Blake Rudis | Jan 9, 2020 | Intermediate, Tutorial |
How to get more Color out of your RAW files in ACR and LightroomDo you want more Color in your photos? I am sure, we all do ? Have you ever heard someone say, “Oh the way Canon’s colors come out are so great” or “I just love the color in Leica...
by Blake Rudis | Dec 23, 2019 | Beginner, Tutorial |
The 10th Annual Rudis Family Christmas Card It’s always “different”, always a lot of work, always epic, and always on the fridge of our friends for the whole year 🙂 I would also like to take the time to sincerely thank you for all of your support...
by Blake Rudis | Dec 20, 2019 | Tutorial, Vlog |
No Photoshop today! But we will see some interesting photography. Trying my hand at this vlogging thing. I am going to take you through Kansas City and introduce you to my favorite BBQ joints. Let me know what you think of the vlog in the comments below. Thumbs up,...
by Blake Rudis | Dec 12, 2019 | Advanced, Tutorial |
Using Selective Color to get better tones in PhotoshopYou know my workflow, Tone, Color, Artistic Effects, right? I preach it all the time and more often than not, I teach how to get better colors through your tonal work first, right? Well, recently, I discovered an...
by Blake Rudis | Dec 5, 2019 | Intermediate, Tutorial |
Exposure Blending- Luminosity Masks and Smart Objects It seems topics in photography ebb and flow often, and lately, I have received a lot of inquiries about exposure blending. My usual response is, “I don’t do it that often, so I’m afraid I...
by Blake Rudis | Nov 22, 2019 | Intermediate, Tutorial |
How to use Remove Background in Photoshop Since the beginning of time, Adobe has made Photoshop a powerhouse for manipulating and obscuring pixels.  One thing it is notorious for is its ability to remove a background in any photo with ease.  Well, with Photoshop...