by Blake Rudis | Aug 23, 2019 | Beginner, Tutorial |
Finally a Practical Use for Dust & Scratches FilterHot pixels are something that plague every night sky photographer. They are little red, blue, or green pixels that show up in the shadow areas of your photo when you increase the shadows slider in a dark...
by Blake Rudis | Aug 8, 2019 | Intermediate, Tutorial |
How to Fix a Bad Composition with the Content-Aware Fill Tool Have you ever returned from a shooting location to find you had what could have been a good composition if you would have moved about 4 feet to the left or right? I know I have. It has happened to me more...
by Blake Rudis | Jul 11, 2019 | Advanced, Intermediate, Tutorial |
The Evolution of Luminosity Masks I love Luminosity Masks, I have been using them for ages, and they have been an integral part of my workflow. Before we get too far into this post, I want to clarify that I have nothing against the Traditional Luminosity Mask and...
by Blake Rudis | Jun 28, 2019 | Intermediate, Tutorial |
You can Avoid Halos in Adobe Camera Raw and Lightroom ? That is the answer to many questions that I receive on almost a weekly basis on f64 Academy. The trick here is that you have to know what makes them and how they are caused. Once you know that you can avoid...
by Blake Rudis | May 31, 2019 | Intermediate, Tutorial |
Throughout my career as a photo educator, I have taken a liking to Black and White, and I have even taught a few tutorials and courses on it. However, I think I have only given an ounce of knowledge on the topic of monochrome compared to my good buddy Jim’s...
by Blake Rudis | May 24, 2019 | Beginner, Tutorial |
Dynamic Contrast with the Texture Slider in ACR and LRThe new Texture Slider in ACR and LR is really making an impact it seems as it should! Anytime Adobe adds a slider to either program it means they felt it was necessary to be in there. Otherwise, they would have...