by Blake Rudis | Dec 8, 2015 | f64 Academy News |
We live our lives in a Standard Definition and have no idea why There is a saying that goes, “You do not know what you do not know”. It is a powerful statement that exploits our ignorance in the most profound way. There are things we know but choose...
by Blake Rudis | Dec 4, 2015 | Beginner, HDR 101: The Basics, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
I don’t always make underexposed photos, but when I do, I sure as heck know how to fix them! Surely I never get everything correct in the camera. More often than not I am over or underexposed. I don’t always get the shot in focus, and I rarely get my...
by Blake Rudis | Dec 2, 2015 | f64 Academy News |
You haven’t been on a photo workshop until you’ve been on our Oregon workshop I lost my heart somewhere on the Oregon Coast. While some may think this is a bad thing, I do not mind routinely visiting to try and find it. I have lived on the East Coast in...
by Blake Rudis | Nov 24, 2015 | Webinar |
Topaz Labs Texture Effects Webinar Today I will be conducting a webinar with Topaz Labs showcasing their latest product release, Texture Effects. Texture Effects fills a void in the Topaz product line that we didn’t know existed. Topaz has an abundance of...
by Blake Rudis | Nov 20, 2015 | Advanced, Intermediate, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
The Lighten Blend Mode and the Sea of a Million Waves! A few weeks ago I conducted a tutorial showing off the various Blend Modes in Photoshop, but I hesitated to get too far into the Lighten Blend Mode. The Lighten Blend Mode can be a powerful asset in photo post...
by Blake Rudis | Nov 18, 2015 | f64 Academy News |
The On1 Pro Series .. and how this all comes full circle. I was recently contacted by my good old buddy, Matt Kloskowski, to do an interview with the On1 Pro Series as they launch their latest iteration of On1 Suite 10. To some this is just another interview...