I was recently offered the awesome opportunity to write for HDR One, an excellent online HDR resource magazine.  Jimmy McIntyre does an awesome job of keeping this site up and running by continually seeking out the pro’s of HDR.  Every week there are some great...
5 HDR Tone Mapping Tips: Photomatix

5 HDR Tone Mapping Tips: Photomatix

As a follow up to last Wednesday’s post on A Few HDR Shooting Tips here are 5 HDR tone mapping tips using Photomatix in particular.  I have shown a few videos that go into Photomatix a little more in depth, but here are a few of my quick tips that I live by. 1....
A Few HDR Shooting Tips

A Few HDR Shooting Tips

There are several thousand tips for HDR photography and I would be lying if I said I am going to give you the top five.  The reason being, as soon as I give you the “top” five, I will remember 5 more helpful hints, and as soon as I tell you those, I will...