I was recently offered the awesome opportunity to write for HDR One, an excellent online HDR resource magazine.  Jimmy McIntyre does an awesome job of keeping this site up and running by continually seeking out the pro’s of HDR.  Every week there are some great articles posted to help you along the way.

My first contribution is a tutorial on how you can setup Photoshop to automatically dodge and burn your HDR images. You heard it right, automatically dodge and burn.  Gone is the tedious process of meticulous brush stroking.  Ok, well, it has its limitations but it is a good start for any dodge and burn process!

Be sure to stop HDR One by and check out the process today!





Blake Rudis
f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite are the brainchildren of Blake Rudis. While he is a landscape photographer, he is most passionate about post-processing images in Photoshop and mentoring others.

For Blake, it's all about the art and process synergy. He dives deep into complex topics and makes them easy to understand through his outside-the-box thinking so that you can use these tricks in your workflow today!
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