by Blake Rudis | Oct 4, 2013 | Beginner, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
In light of the newest HDR Concert, I figured it would be a good idea to bring back an old Compositing tutorial that is relevant to the Concert. Compositing photos is a lot easier than you think, it just takes a bit of knowledge of Photoshop and some selection tools...
by Blake Rudis | Sep 27, 2013 | Beginner, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
I just finished recording a snippet of the training I am putting together for the Beginning Photography Course for LearnPhotoNow. It occurred to me that I have never done anything quite like this for EverydayHDR, but I probably should have! This tutorial is all...
by Blake Rudis | Jul 26, 2013 | Beginner, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
I often speak of the importance of the RAW file format on EverydayHDR and just how important it is for your HDR images. However, it occurred to me that I did not have a RAW image video discussing not only how to process a RAW image in ACR, but more importantly, how...
by Blake Rudis | Jul 12, 2013 | Beginner, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
On August 2nd I will be showing my work for the first time in over 4 years! I am a bit timid and excited all at the same time. However, I am more prepared this time than I ever was the last time! I had a horrible experience at the gallery where I showed my work in...
by Blake Rudis | Jul 5, 2013 | Beginner, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
Adding a lens flare to a design or photograph can sometimes add an element of life to an otherwise mundane photo. I wouldn’t go to crazy with them adding them to every photograph that has a blaring sun. If they are used too much they can be distracting and...
by Blake Rudis | May 31, 2013 | Beginner, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
To Watermark or not to Watermark, that is the question? I do not place watermarks on my landscape and gallery images here on EverydayHDR. I am not worried about my internet sized pictures getting stolen. If a perpetrator were to steal a 100 kilobyte image from me...
by Blake Rudis | May 17, 2013 | Beginner, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
I know what you are thinking… “the Clone Stamp Tool, really Blake? Are you insulting my intelligence?” Absolutely not! I would never do such a thing! However, knowing the Clone Stamp Tool and using it effectively are 2 different things altogether....
by Blake Rudis | Mar 1, 2013 | Beginner, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
I have used this window technique quite a few times in the past few months. I used it on the last HDR Concert and on HDR Concert#7. It can be pretty tricky to add glass to an image where there once was none. However, all you need is a push in the right direction...
by Blake Rudis | Feb 8, 2013 | Beginner, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
I have created several black and white tutorials in the past. Two of my favorite are the written tutorial and the video tutorial. While I could leave it with just those two, I am a fan of continuous improvement and finding a better more efficient way to do...
by Blake Rudis | Jan 11, 2013 | Beginner, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
Image Size is not a fun thing to talk about. It is really kind of boring in my opinion. When I think Photoshop, I think awesome fun photo blasting excitement, not math and image constraints… However, it is an unfortunate beast that must be tamed especially for...