How to Composite Photos

In light of the newest HDR Concert, I figured it would be a good idea to bring back an old Compositing tutorial that is relevant to the Concert.  Compositing photos is a lot easier than you think, it just takes a bit of knowledge of Photoshop and some selection tools...

Conquer The Composition

I just finished recording a snippet of the training I am putting together for the Beginning Photography Course for LearnPhotoNow.  It occurred to me that I have never done anything quite like this for EverydayHDR, but I probably should have!  This tutorial is all...

New eBook Released Today!

I just released my newest eBook, 11 Things Every Photographer Should Know About HDR Photography.  I am excited to announce it as it is quite different from Exploring HDR in several ways.  When I started HDR photography in February of 2010, I did not know all the...