by Blake Rudis | Aug 2, 2013 | Intermediate, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
So my show is today, it is at The Cashew in Kansas City on 2000 Grand Ave if you are in the area. They have a great reception area that is just immaculate for showing work. I am stoked! One of the pieces I am showing is a great example of the 4th step in my Creative...
by Blake Rudis | Jul 26, 2013 | Beginner, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
I often speak of the importance of the RAW file format on EverydayHDR and just how important it is for your HDR images. However, it occurred to me that I did not have a RAW image video discussing not only how to process a RAW image in ACR, but more importantly, how...
by Blake Rudis | Jul 19, 2013 | Topaz Labs, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
Have you been formally introduced to Topaz Lens Effects yet? I recently had my introduction and I am more than pleased with the results I am receiving. I formerly thought Lens Effects was for selective blurring and fixing common lens problems like vignetting and...
by Blake Rudis | Jul 12, 2013 | Beginner, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
On August 2nd I will be showing my work for the first time in over 4 years! I am a bit timid and excited all at the same time. However, I am more prepared this time than I ever was the last time! I had a horrible experience at the gallery where I showed my work in...
by Blake Rudis | Jul 5, 2013 | Beginner, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
Adding a lens flare to a design or photograph can sometimes add an element of life to an otherwise mundane photo. I wouldn’t go to crazy with them adding them to every photograph that has a blaring sun. If they are used too much they can be distracting and...
by Blake Rudis | May 31, 2013 | Beginner, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
To Watermark or not to Watermark, that is the question? I do not place watermarks on my landscape and gallery images here on EverydayHDR. I am not worried about my internet sized pictures getting stolen. If a perpetrator were to steal a 100 kilobyte image from me...
by Blake Rudis | May 24, 2013 | Topaz Labs, Tutorial |
Topaz labs recently released Topaz Clarity! This is an awesome plug-in that gives you complete control of all of the aspects of contrast in your photos. It is kind of like the Clarity Adjustment in LR and ACR, with one major exception! It breaks down the single...
by Blake Rudis | May 17, 2013 | Beginner, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
I know what you are thinking… “the Clone Stamp Tool, really Blake? Are you insulting my intelligence?” Absolutely not! I would never do such a thing! However, knowing the Clone Stamp Tool and using it effectively are 2 different things altogether....
by Blake Rudis | May 3, 2013 | HDR 101: The Basics, Tutorial, Video Tutorial |
Last weeks tutorial focused on avoiding the nasty halo byproduct of HDR tone mapping. This week I am tackling how to combat them in post processing. I use 2 methods to show you how to defeat them. The first method will use a Curves Adjustment Layer to actually...
by Blake Rudis | Apr 19, 2013 | Intermediate, Tutorial Update, Video Tutorial |
I recently shot a picture of a barn at sunset. I brought it into Photomatix and tone mapped it and all was going well, but I had one distinct problem. The sky was very blue and the barn was very red. Talk about two completely opposite ends of the White Balance and...