ChromaLuxe Aluminum Prints: The HDR Printing Gold Standard

I have a plethora of HDR prints that would look great printed, just ask my wife (she reminds me plenty).  I have about 10,000 or so archived of which I would consider printing and hanging about 10 or so.  My problem has always been finding a print medium that would suitably display the extreme detail contained in the HDR process.  Then I found ChromaLuxe®, or should I say, ChromaLuxe found me.  I was contacted recently by ChromaLuxe to review their metal prints and thankfully obliged!

I had seen metal prints at photo conventions and the like, but had never experienced it myself.  You may be saying, “Well you saw it, therefor you experienced it, right?”, that is not always the case, especially with printing.  You think to yourself when you see those photos at conventions that there must have been a crazy amount of post processing behind those prints to make them look so darn good.  Then you think to yourself, would my work even look that good on those aluminum panels?  The answer I have found is, Yes, Yes, Yesjust like those commercials where the girl is in the shower with her herbally fu fu smelling shampoo, “Yes, Yes, YES!

ChromaLuxe offers 4 incredible ways to display your photography on high definition aluminum panels.  These options include Clear Gloss, Clear Matte, Matte White, and Gloss White all of which are printed on a high quality-extremely durable aluminum panels.  I had the pleasure of seeing my favorite HDR picture, the one in the header, in all four formats.

Clear Gloss Aluminum

The Gloss White Aluminum printing technique provided by ChromaLuxe enables you to see the brushed aluminum panel through the print.  You will really be able to see the aluminum in any areas that are normally white to low middle grey.  Your photo will look magnificent sandwiched between brushed aluminum and a high gloss.  The High Gloss finish will blow your mind as you gawk at the colors exploding from your print.

Clear Matte Aluminum

The Clear Matte option is very similar to the Clear Gloss technique without the high gloss finish.  This option is suited for those who do not fancy the high gloss finish or those who do not want a high volume of glare on their print.


Matte White Aluminum

The Matte White Aluminum Option is ideal for those who want a highly detailed print without the aluminum finish in the background.  This is the most normal looking of the 4 options.  It still contains an immense amount of detail but looks like a typical print.  This is due to the lack of high gloss or the brushed aluminum background.  While it still creates a beautiful print I would be more apt to select one of the other options.

 Gloss White Aluminum

Listen to me carefully when I say this… You will never see your photography come to life like you will on this print format.  I was absolutely awe struck as my eyes scanned this print option from left to right.  I felt as if I were standing on that cliff overlooking the Bixby Canyon Bridge again.  The smell of the succulents and wind swept trees braised my nostrils as I panned across the landscape.  The salty air once again crusted over my eyes and infiltrated my senses.  Colors I could never have imagined witnessing again were coming to life, the sunset stained earth was beaming its red glow through the cones in my retina juxtaposed by the calm blue ocean that offered them sanctuary and rest.  This High Gloss print option coupled with the amazing detail quality of the white aluminum has trumped any print option on the web and quite possibly the world.  I am awe struck and quite honestly apologize to you as the image below does it no justice.  Prints on this medium must be  experienced as they will change your life.  I have never experienced a print option that renders every aspect of detail so true and accurate.  Welcome to the Gold Standard in HDR printing, ChromaLuxe’s tagline could not be anymore accurate True to your vision®!

Enough of my relentless bantering, you must see these prints for yourself.  Take a look at the list of distributors that offer ChromaLuxe HD Metal Panel Prints.  I give you the EverydayHDR Guarantee that you will not be let down by any of the 4 options listed above.


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    Blake Rudis
    f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite are the brainchildren of Blake Rudis. While he is a landscape photographer, he is most passionate about post-processing images in Photoshop and mentoring others.

    For Blake, it's all about the art and process synergy. He dives deep into complex topics and makes them easy to understand through his outside-the-box thinking so that you can use these tricks in your workflow today!
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