It is hard to lay claim to the “Most Epic Christmas Card Ever,” but many of my friends and family are sending me text messages with those exact words in them. I’ll take it 🙂
Every year this Rudis Family creates a Christmas Card filled with love, good cheer, and countless hours of work. Of the many things we have been, here are just a few of the themes. We have been the awkward family, the Lego family, the baked too many cookies family, and the tired on the couch after reading a Christmas book family. This year, we decided to be the EPIC superhero family, and we had a TON of fun in the process.
I wanted to make this year more interactive for everyone. Please take a look at the video, watch it till the end. Matthew, my little man, makes the most priceless sound when he sees the card for the first time. I also made an interactive version of the card below so you can see some of the elements that went into building it.
From our home to yours, I pray you have the Merriest of Christmases and the happiest of New Year’s!
Hover over the yellow targets below to learn more about this project.
(Best viewed on a Computer or Laptop, the plugin doesn’t show up well on Mobile devices)

The Inspiration
Back in July Sarah asked me what we were going to do about the Christmas Card. She mentioned something Superhero themed and I was on board in a heartbeat! We found this Age of Ultron Movie poster as we were shuffling through the internet and I knew instantly that we should base our card on it. The poses, the structure, the composition, all were perfect for a Rudis Family Christmas Card!

Fake It Till You Make It!
Anytime I am making a composite there are always things that come up. In this case, my son Matthew, did NOT want to wear the Thor cape that came with his epic Baby-Thor onesie. So I had to improvise! Thank goodness for Adobe Stock. Yep, anytime I need something like this, I pay for it. Licensing it ensures you won't have any trouble somewhere down the road. Don't just grab random images off of Google! License them... even tiny baby capes!

The Other Side is Just as Important!
Don't forget that most companies print two-sided cards! Do you know how hard it is to find a photographer that will A. make great images of my family and B. be willing to photograph us after they know what I do for a living ... haha. Missy Moore Photography does a phenomenal job as our family photographer!

Custom Brushes
Many Custom brushes were used in the making of this card. I used some from the 7Styles Actions (particularly the Energy and Storm Effects). I also had to use some of my custom brushes for the atmospheric effect. Without these brushes, this card would be flat and missing a lot of character and detail.

Don't Be Afraid to Be Creative!
A simple Outer Glow on a white Brush can make all the difference when you are trying to make energy beams. Do not forget to use Layer Styles to spruce up the elements in your composites. This little panel is the most overlooked yet most powerful helping hand when making epic designs.

A Good Font Goes A Long Way, A GREAT Font Seals the Deal!
Every great Christmas Card has to have a great font to match. It took me a while to find this font, but I searched for "Avengers Font" on the web and found this one. I gladly paid $25 for it because it looked great and I wanted to show my support for the creator.

Kansas City! I love MY city!
Kansas City isn't in enough movies. I say the next Marvel movie should be shot in our lovely town. The people are awesome, the BBQ is UNBELIEVABLE, and the city is so accessible. This horribly HDR'ed photo worked great as our backdrop for the card!

A True Wonder Woman!
Not only does she cook, clean, rear our children, pay the bills, wash loads of laundry, and live with four boys, she also puts up with my crazy ideas for Christmas Cards. This is her typical face when I am directing her poses. She is a real trooper 🙂 Love you, babe!

The Conservative Has a Wild Side
Michael is our most conservative child. He is extremely conscious of everyone's emotions and is usually very timid. The first several shots from our day were far less dramatic and characteristic of Michael. However, after a few shots of the other family members, he jumped in there and made this roaring face... perfect for the card!

A Simple Setup
You don't need an elaborate studio or some crazy cash to make a simple Composite studio setup. I am using a budget backdrop stand that I spent no more than $40 on.
The Backdrop is swimsuit liner material and usually runs about $5 per yard at any fabric shop. Three yards will do. this material stretches and does not retain wrinkles when stretched making it perfect for a fold and go composite backdrop.
The continuous lights I use have 6 bulbs in each and are quite pricey, but that have lasted me nearly 5 years. The lights were the most expensive part and while I may recommend going budget on everything else, the lights are worth every penny. So spend what you can afford and buy a good brand once.

Finally A Wearer Worthy of the Suit
Do you know how long I have wanted a full body adult Spiderman suit? For as long as I can remember, that's how long. I have been an avid Spidey-head since I was 6 years old. It was the first comic book I ever bought with my own money and it changed my nerdy little life!
To make this pose work with the card, I had to flip myself horizontal, I don't think anyone noticed!

In Flight Was Best
William is our funny kid, he says extremely witty things without even knowing it, but he can be a little shy. Getting this look out of him took quite a bit of working with. It works for his Tony Stark attitude.

Kids Can be Tricky!
This little guy had just woken up from a nap. We thought he would love the photo shoot and ham it up because he is our wild child. However, I think the lights may have been a little intimidating and he wasn't having it!
good thing it’s only once a year, my grandkids arguing to love this editing video
phew! I know right! Lots of time, if I did this every month I’d be out of business!
It’s almost Valentines and I am still reading December emails! Fantastic, Blake.
That looked like so much fun for you and your family. You have a wonderful family. What a great idea and thanks for all you did on this fantastic card and all you do all year long. I’ve learned so much from you. Happy and Healthy Holidays and Happy New Year. I look forward to more videos.
Thanks so much! We did have a wonderful time 🙂 They always keep life interesting. I appreciate all of your kind and warm-hearted words!
The card is fantastic. But do you know what struck me and is being really epic?
The love that this shows for and in your wonderful and beautiful family. May your lives together always be “epic” as well.
Many blessings,
Thanks, Vinny! I really do it all for them. They keep me held accounted for and motivated to keep pushing. We are very blessed here, I pray about it all the time!
All I can say is WOW!!! If I knew just a 1/10 of what you just did. 🙂
haha! Me too! Sometimes I look at it when I am done and say, “how the heck did you do that?”
Holy Moly! I had to take a nap after watching the video!
This was SUPERB! Your family, under the supreme care of “Wonder Woman”, is beautiful.
May all of you be blessed with much happiness this Christmas.
🙂 haha! Thanks, Lynn 🙂 I appreciate it. She is something like a phenomenon! Merry Christmas to you as well 🙂
Beautiful card! A demonstration of true artistry and talent.
Tried to follow all the steps in the process, but…… 😉
I admire your dedication to work and your wonderful family!
Thanks for this. Looks like your holidays are ALREADY filled with happiness.
haha, that was 40x speed 🙂 We love this time of year. It is truly magical in our house. The joy, the excitement, the love!
Lots of fun …. great result – |Merry Christmas
Thanks! Merry Christmas!
Your right, the best Christmas card ever!!!
yessssssss 🙂
That was an amazing video, thanks for sharing!
Thanks! It was my pleasure 🙂
What a beautiful family, Blake! Your wife’s expression in the final photo is priceless! Yeah, we get it, honey! YOU run this show! LOL Wonder Woman is quite fitting for a houseful of boys!
Everything was wonderful! Except for one thing! Why did you clone out the drool from your littlest one’s mouth!? That was adorable AND, for his ‘role’, a bit of irony, eh? LOL
Merry Christmas to You and Your Lovely Family!!
haha! Yep, that is my wife for sure! I was going to keep the drool, I debated that one for a long time! However, we are so used to seeing him covered in drool I had to get rid of it. Merry Christmas!
So Cool! I appreciate all the work and love you put into your family Christmas card! AND love that you shared the making of it with tips! You rock!
Thanks, Kathy! We had so much fun, I couldn’t keep it to myself!
I’m not amazed by the card, because you are Blake Rudis, super hero of Photoshop. I am amazed that the compilation and the music ended at the same time:). Fabulous, Blake! Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family.
haha, some things happen with pure movie magic 🙂 I worked pretty hard on that timing 🙂
Great video Blake, I think I had as much fun watching the video as you had making this card 🙂 It is an epic card indeed … kinda makes me wonder what will you do to beat this one in the next years 🙂
Have a lovely XMas.
Sweet! I have NO idea how I am going to beat this one next year. Phew, I set the bar kind of high!
Phew, I’m glad that in this classic super hero no one was excited and became the incredible hulk (in size and color), 😉
I had a lot of fun in the making of your super hero Christmas card, but I was thrilled to see your beautiful family!
Affection, love, respect … values little seen in today’s world.
All the best to you
Thanks, Lillian! We certainly do have fun together. We are also very blessed to be so invested in one another. I do agree, that is rare these days, but maybe it will all come full circle somehow. We do have our ups and downs too, but that is what life is made of 🙂
Wonder Woman, I don’t know about that, I would say Wonder Family and of course photographer.
A very Happy Christmas to you all.
Thanks, Paul 🙂 Merry Christmas to you too!
So funny, so brilliant, so charming, so lovely, so heartwarming. May you all have a great Christmas and New Year.
Thanks from one of your many fans.
Thanks, Ken 🙂 It means a lot to us! This house is full of love and joy, I wish I could bottle these times up and save them for when they are off making their own family memories!
I love it. Thanks for sharing your family with us and also sharing so much knowledge. You have taught me so much. Thank you and Merry Christmas to all the Rudis.
Aw, thanks, Louise! I pray you have a Merry Christmas as well, I’ll pass along the love to the family!
Thank you Blake for such a fun video! It’s inspiring to see a true technical genius/artist works, and such a blessing for your family. What a great project and well spent family time.
Unfortunately, I missed your Black Friday sale on Palette Effects. Any chance you’ll repeat this for a Christmas gift?
Thanks, Dave 🙂 I appreciate it! We have fun with our card every year but this one took the cake 🙂
I didn’t have any Black Friday sales this year… I’,m on the naughty list, haha
Oh, man – seeing a photoshop wizard at work! 🙂 could you imagine to do a tutorial on this one!? – Joking 🙂 You need to keep some little post processing secrets for you to keep us gaping, at least once a year 😀
Thanks for this magical video, Blake. A merry, peaceful, wonderful Christmas time to you and yours!
haha! Yeah, this was about 12 hours of post-production work, not to mention the shoot and video work… phew! I’d need all year 🙂
Stay tuned for next week, I have a surprise for everyone…
That was amazing! Thanks for sharing. Valentines Day…Wonder Woman and Superman?
haha, nope! You’d never catch me in a DC comic costume… lol, only us comic nerds would get it! I am a Spidey guy all the way!
Wonderful!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS to the Blake family.
Thanks, Dale! and a very Merry Christmas to you too!
Incredible card ! Incredible teaching video ! And Incredible family ! Plus…. I’m sure that IRS will allow your costume rental expenses to be tax-deductible as a business expense !!!
😉 Among other things! Thanks, David!
Brilliant Blake – you never cease to amaze me. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you and your family. Looking forward to more outstanding material from you in 2019
Geoff Wagner
South Australia
Thanks, Geoff! I am looking forward to another great year for 2019! Thanks for all of your support and a very Merry Christmas to you and yours!
What an awesome card…I hope the lucky recipients of them appreciate all the work and skill that went into their creation! It doesn’t hurt that you have such a great looking family, either!
Oh, they do! It is always fun after we send them out. We are blessed with many great comments, text messages and phone calls. Some of our friends leave them on the fridge all year round 🙂 We love it!
It was real fun watching you create this hilarious Christmas card in warp speed. It shows your mastery of the trade. It also shows the lovely characters you are surrounded. Merry Chrixtmas.
Thanks, Ulrich! The whole thing was a blast! Merry Christmas !
You are such a lucky man to have such a good sport for a wife and wonderful kids to allow you to take them on this journey. What a wonderful result. Your imagination is fantastic. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas.
Thanks, Julie! She is a wonderful woman and partakes in all my odd requests. I appreciate your kind words and we wish you a Merry Christmas too!
Best Christmas video ever! Thanks for sharing.
Yessssss! Thanks 🙂
Thanks 🙂
Thanks for sharing your incredibly inspiring work. A very blessed, Merry Christmas to you!
Thanks, Keith! I appreciate it and a Merry Christmas to you as well 🙂
Bravo! Love that the whole fam was involved.
🙂 We always make it a great time!
Dear Blake,
This is really a very fabulous card, really.
You have a very cooperating family.
What was also amazing me was to see the so many things I’ve learned from you so far, packed altogether in that wonderful Christmas Card.
Merry Christmas lucky family.
Merry Christmas lucky man.
Thanks, Eitan! Stick around, I have so many more tricks up my sleeve 🙂
I am a VERY lucky man! Merry Christmas to you as well, my friend!
You put a big smile on my face!
That’s what this season is ALL about!
Epic indeed!! Like for Jack, the video put a big smile on my face too.
Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family! You are blessed.
Awesome! Glad we could make you smile today 🙂 Merry Christmas to you and yours as well !
Great image! One of the rare DC/Marvel crossover events. 🙂
haha! Unite the clans!
Good God, what a job!!! Well done Blake! Even with this video and tips it will took me months to achieve this result! Great respect! You are a great photographic-artist… You have a great and lovely family. Have nice time at the holidays and a lovely X-Mas… God bless you all.
Thanks, Robert 🙂 I really appreciate it! I will pass along your warm regards to the rest of the family. Merry Christmas to you as well and God bless!
Blake, great job and what a nice family you have! Last year I sent you $ for a cup of coffee; this year I added $ for the cream and, hopefully, next year I’ll send you enough to cover the sugar. Thank you for all the instruction that you have provided over the course of the year and a Very Merry X-Mas and a Very Happy New Year to you and your family!
You are the man, Juan! That note you wrote brought tears to my eyes. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year 🙂
Amazing project Blake and fantastic result -as always …. But I dare not show your video to our clients – they would all expect results at that speed 😉
Blake, this shows you are the ‘Master’. Epic. Not sure that covers it. What is beyond Epic? At least you have 12 months to figure out how you are going to top this year. Merry Christmas from California & Florida to you and your family!
WOW! Amazing indeed!!!!
Many thanks!
You are a master of PS and a very generous man!
Wow! What fantastic images – Both sides. A happy healthy family really shows.
All the best for Christmas and the New Year ahead.
Thanks for all your help and inspiration over the years.
May the force be with you (hint for next years card?)
OOOOOOOOOOh! I like that 🙂 We may have to consider it! Merry Christmas
Fabulous videos (as always) Blake! Merry Christmas from Down Under ??