Photoshop Gone Wrong!

Photoshop Gone Wrong!

When Two Educators Just Don't Get Along! Gavin Hardcastle...  what can I say, he is hilarious and really a comedic genius in the Photography community.  It is not often that you find someone you can learn from and almost die of a belly laugh in the process.   I'd say...

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Advanced Black and White Artistry

Advanced Black and White Artistry

Throughout my career as a photo educator, I have taken a liking to Black and White, and I have even taught a few tutorials and courses on it.  However, I think I have only given an ounce of knowledge on the topic of monochrome compared to my good buddy...

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How To Make People  Smile In Photoshop

How To Make People Smile In Photoshop

Making My Boys Smile in Photoshop 🙂 Wanna hear the story of how I made my boys smile in Photoshop? This last Mother's Day my wife wanted nothing more than a picture of all of us together on Mother's Day.  We don't get dressed up much, in fact with my wife...

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The Fabled Adobe Price Increase

The Fabled Adobe Price Increase

Time to Call Out the Bogusness of the "Adobe Price Increase" Fearmongering As with most things in our society today, people jumped the gun long before any facts came out and caused a lot of fear and undue stress in the photography community.   Last week it was leaked...

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