Where Do You Shop For Gear?

Where Do You Shop For Gear?

I find myself trying to break away from shopping on Amazon all the time, but I just can't seem to beat their prices.  I have bought a considerable amount of photo gear from Amazon at very affordable prices.  However, sometimes that affordability comes to bite me in...

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Vignettes, Oh Vignettes!

I know what you are thinking already, and you probably cringed at the thought of the word vignette.  However, vignettes can be very powerful if used correctly! A powerful vignette can attract your viewer and pull them in without them even having the slightest bit that...

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More Cyanotypes

More Cyanotypes

I have been experimenting with a lot of my old Photographs from 2011 and 2012 with this new Cyanotype Action.  I am really digging it, it adds an element to these photos that match their mood very well.  Black and White is one way to make a moody image, but adding...

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Recording a Cyanotype Action!

Recording a Cyanotype Action!

I was doing a Google search recently about photo techniques and came across an old favorite of mine, the Cyanotype.  I have never created a Cyanotype in the dark room myself, however, I really like the way they look. Creating a Cyanotype in Photoshop is much easier...

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Concert # 10 is closed!

HDR Concert #10 is officially closed! The first time in Concert history that all submissions were received in less than 24 hours! Great job to everyone who entered! The results will be live on January 30th so stay tuned!

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How to Photograph a Cave

Last week my wife and I went to the Lake of the Ozarks.  While there we took a stroll over to the Bridal Cave, thank goodness for Grandparents!  It would have been nice to take the wee man with us, but I fear it would have scared him. We had a great tour through the...

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Stuck In The Ozarks Part 2

Stuck In The Ozarks Part 2

Well we weren't actually stuck in the Ozarks.  It snowed and it very rarely does that there so we made it an excuse to lay around and make it a lazy day instead of drive home.  Before the sun could get to the fresh snow, I went out and snagged some pictures of the...

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Stuck in the Ozarks!

We went on vacation this weekend to get away from the cold weather... little did we know it would snow in the Ozarks!  So stay tuned for tomorrow, I will have a fresh post for ya! Of course I used this as a photo op!

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