The winner of this month’s project and the Black, White and Beyond:The Digital Zone System training package is is ZIONSTRUMPETER1!  This version is great as it almost exactly resembles the scene that I photographed.  Although the scene was a bit more purple than this depiction, I appreciate the artistic expression to go with blue.  The cloud detail that was brought out in this photo is just incredible without getting too over-dramatic.   The stark yellow line on the road is the perfect compliment to the blue in the sky, great contrast there.  Very well done, this is a very successful single image HDR image!  Here’s Tal’s Workflow:

Well, here is my humble attempt at this month’s project:
1)Photoshop CS6 for basic adjustments and effects
2)Perfect Effects 8 for Dynamic Contrast
3)Topaz Detail for micro contrast detail in the clouds
4)Nik HDR Effects Pro


00 Winner Feb 14


There were two alumni winners from past months who made images that deserve an honorable mention!

Johnny (last Months winner) seamlessly added this awesome train into the photo.  This is something that is not very easy to do, but Johnny pulled it off well!

00 Honor 1 Feb 14

Jumpy (December’s Winner) added a texture to the photo that resembles water dripping down the windshield.  Again, not an easy task to pull off so seamlessly!

00 Honor 2 Feb 14

As always, it was not easy to pick this months winner, you ladies and gentlemen keep getting better and better.  Continue to bring your A game!

Want to get in on the project Action?

Every month I supply a project for the members of HDR Insider to process.  The winner receives a pretty sweet giveaway, like a $50 Amazon Gift Card, Software, or Training Packages!

There are several other reasons to join HDR Insider, have a peek for yourself!

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Blake Rudis
f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite are the brainchildren of Blake Rudis. While he is a landscape photographer, he is most passionate about post-processing images in Photoshop and mentoring others.

For Blake, it's all about the art and process synergy. He dives deep into complex topics and makes them easy to understand through his outside-the-box thinking so that you can use these tricks in your workflow today!
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