I know this is usually the Wednesday that I announce the HDR Concert, and I am deeply sorry that one will not be going on this month.  Among the chaos of Christmas and a recent surgery I am not sure I really have it in me to put as much time in that is needed to kick a Concert off.

I really do enjoy them every month, they are like mini-Christmas’ for me.  I get so excited when I get a fresh new face from a fresh new county and thrilled when I see returning HDRtists.  However, I do have a different idea in mind that could be just as exciting!

In light of the joyous Holiday Season that decorates the world around this time of year, I invite you to post a picture or two in the recent thread I started in the EverydayHDR Forum (Festive HDR Pics!).  I went ahead and started it off with one of my favorites from this year, the festive decor of a local downtown Kansas City shop.  Feel free to tell us a bit about the picture you are posting too, some of us may not be aware of what holiday you celebrate.

I tell ya what, for those who participate, I will throw in a free copy of my Tidbits of Awesomeness Actions Package! for Adobe Photoshop. You heard me correctly, that is a $20 value, and all you have to do is participate!  Around Christmas time I get in this exciting mood to give, lucky you!


This offer ends December 31st 2012 so act fast I can only be so giving for so long and then I turn into a grinch 😉 !

To collect your Actions Package:

-Sign up for the Forum

-Go to the Festive HDR Pics! thread and post your picture.

-Shoot me an email, everydayhdr@gmail.com, with FESTIVE HDR [your username here] as your subject line. After confirmed that you posted your festive HDR pic in the forum, I will in turn send you the Actions Package! It’s that simple!




Blake Rudis
f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite are the brainchildren of Blake Rudis. While he is a landscape photographer, he is most passionate about post-processing images in Photoshop and mentoring others.

For Blake, it's all about the art and process synergy. He dives deep into complex topics and makes them easy to understand through his outside-the-box thinking so that you can use these tricks in your workflow today!
Blake Rudis on EmailBlake Rudis on FacebookBlake Rudis on InstagramBlake Rudis on PinterestBlake Rudis on TwitterBlake Rudis on Youtube
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