Last Thursday the Riggers, technical term for those who pack parachutes, and the Pararescuemen threw Sarah and I a little going away Barbecue.  The food was amazing and we could not have been more thankful, those Riggers really know how to throw down on the grill.  Being from Delaware all of the people I have met here have been like a second family, leaving is bitter sweet.  It really is, bitter sweet chocolate is interesting, on one hand it is chocolate so it is supposed to be good, the label chocolate alone gives it a label yielding high expectations of greatness.  Then you bite it, yeah thats chocolate alright.  Then you start chewing and the crushed almost now molten chocolate touches your taste buds, you are not really tasting the sweet but it is definitely chocolate.  Then woahhh, the bitter after taste kicks in.  It is the same as leaving, Sarah and I are so excited to get closer to family, to buy a house, and start raising a family of our own.  All of that is great chocolate, but leaving the people we have met out here and the beautiful California landscape, there is the bitter after taste.  You want the good news?  That after taste goes away in time, for now, here is a couple HDR’ed shots of my view every morning out the window of the Rigger shop.

If you are ever driving north on the 101 in California, about 45 minutes south of San Francisco, you will see this extremely large Hangar tucked away in a little base called Moffett Federal Air Field.  This Hangar once housed the Macon blimp.  It is the single largest piece of architecture I have ever seen.  In the photo above, I am probably a mile and a half away and it is still an abomination.

Just to give you a size perspective, look at those cars, they are literally 100 feet away from it.  It’s monstrous!

The HDR process really makes photos pop, but while I was stumbling around on Photomatix, I found a whole new way to make them pop even more.  I used the technique on these images you see here, I will show you on Friday!  Have a great week guys!


Blake Rudis
f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite are the brainchildren of Blake Rudis. While he is a landscape photographer, he is most passionate about post-processing images in Photoshop and mentoring others.

For Blake, it's all about the art and process synergy. He dives deep into complex topics and makes them easy to understand through his outside-the-box thinking so that you can use these tricks in your workflow today!
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