I recently reviewed Klaus Hermann’s new eBook  A Practical Guide To HDR Vertorama Photography.  It is a great guide to get you on the right path to making vertical panoramas.  I really wanted to post a picture of how I used the knowledge I learned from it in a practical application.  However, at the time of the review I did not have an ounce of free time to take a trip to my favorite nearby chapel.

Last weekend, I had the luxury of some spare time amongst all of the chaos going on in my photo life right now.  I took a trip to the Holy Trinity Parish in Weston, MO.  This church is gorgeous and shares quite a bit of history with the local township.  It is one of the first Catholic Churches erected in the area dating back to the late 1800’s.

The best way to photograph this place is with either a Vertorama or a Panorama.  So I did just that.  I photographed it in both styles.  Each image is composed of 35 pictures (7 tone mapped HDR images).  The process to making these beauties is described in great detail in Klaus’ book so I will spare you the details and allow you to read how Klaus has spells it out.



If you really want to know how good your PC or Mac is, put it to the Vertorama or Panorama test!  Both of these 16 bit TIFF images after stitching are 2.16 GIGABYTES a piece!  That is insane!  I remember back in the day when a Hard Drive was less than 2 Gigabytes, heck these won’t fit on some of the Flash drives or SD cards I have!  They really do bog down your workflow so be sure to shut everything down except Photoshop when you are working with them!

After staring at both of these for some time, I have decided I think I like the Panorama better because of the Stained Glass windows.  However, the Vertorama shows off that beautifully white ceiling with the sense of suspension from the lights.  I think next time, I will do 3 vertical panoramas from the same location to capture more of both sides, then stitch those panoramas together.  We may be looking at a 6 Gigabyte file that way!

Which one do you prefer?  Have you shot any Vertoramas or Panoramas lately?


Blake Rudis
f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite are the brainchildren of Blake Rudis. While he is a landscape photographer, he is most passionate about post-processing images in Photoshop and mentoring others.

For Blake, it's all about the art and process synergy. He dives deep into complex topics and makes them easy to understand through his outside-the-box thinking so that you can use these tricks in your workflow today!
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