There is no excuse for poor representation!  Get on the web with your Adobe Portfolio!

Recently Adobe Portfolio was announced as an added benefit to those of us high on the Creative Cloud.  While you may have overlooked that email, I implore you to take a closer look at how powerful this can be for you as a Photographer and Artist.  I am often asked what my best advice is to anyone starting out in the Digital Photography world.  My answer is always, “Get on the web!”

Certainly there are many ways you can “Get on the Web” from social media to building your own custom website.  All of these have their pros and cons and some are much easier than others, trust me 🙂  With this new addition to your Creative Cloud subscription you can make an excellent and lasting impression with your Adobe Portfolio.

Adobe Portfolio

When I first received the email about the Adobe Portfolio I gaffed it off and put it in the deepest depths of my inbox.  As time when on I thought, “I may as well hop on there and at least secure my name”.  As I was poking around the features I started to get pretty excited.  The more I experimented the more I liked it and soon enough I had taken down my old site and attached my Adobe Portfolio to it.

I would say that in total it may take you an hour to build it.  You can make it as robust as you’d like with the many features that are available.  Some definite pros of Adobe Portfolio:

  1. You will own an attractive looking space on the web.
  2. You can attach any domain to it as long as you own it.  However, Adobe will supply you with a address
  3. It doesn’t take long to build a handsome site, there is only a very slight learning curve.
  4. If you are a Creative Cloud member this service is FREE!  Sites that look this good cost a lot of money.

This week I took the opportunity to walk you through the process I took to make my Adobe Portfolio.  I will also show you how I bought a custom domain name and attached it via GoDaddy.  So here you go, everything you need to get yourself on the web with Adobe Portfolio…. No more excuses!!!

How to Build the Adobe Portfolio

How to Link your Adobe Portfolio to a GoDaddy Domain


Blake Rudis
f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite are the brainchildren of Blake Rudis. While he is a landscape photographer, he is most passionate about post-processing images in Photoshop and mentoring others.

For Blake, it's all about the art and process synergy. He dives deep into complex topics and makes them easy to understand through his outside-the-box thinking so that you can use these tricks in your workflow today!
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