Do you believe in Divine Appointments?
I think about Divine Appointments a lot. These aren’t coincidental meetings. These are meetings with someone you may or may not know that somehow influence your life and, in some cases, send it spinning in another direction. I have been lucky enough to have several in my life, but I think only a few are so influential that I would not be where I am today without them.
The most influential Divine Appointment I have had was meeting Matt Kloskowki. I met him at a time in my life when photography wasn’t even a hobby of mine, it was something I had an interest in, but I would say I was only dabbling in it. How my life changed after that meeting 11 years ago is something I could write an entire book on.
Matt recently wrote a post about my retirement from the USAF National Guard that flattered me beyond belief. I couldn’t help but share my side of our friendship story. Check out the video below, and if you haven’t told a friend how important they are to you lately, it’s the perfect season to do it 🙂
It’s because of Matt’s video that I found your website, which immediately impressed me. Your references to use of color in painting very much helped me to appreciate colors in my photography. Thank you, and thanks to Matt for making the connection.
Awesome! Thanks for coming by 🙂
Right on! An equally great tribute to your friend!
Thanks, Brian! All true stuff, he’s a genuine dude!
Blake, it is refreshing to see two individuals truly love and respect each others as brothers. As you probably know, it is our calling to see others as our brothers and sisters. I am a veteran of the U.S. Navy (during the Vietnam era), so please know how much I appreciate your service to us and your many contributions to the art of photography. You are an inspiration to me and, I bet, to many others who enjoy the blessings and challenges of the photographic arts.
Thank you so much! We are certainly called to do that and I think the world would be a better place if we were more conscious of that as we walk through daily life 🙂 I appreciate your service as well, I know what that sacrifice means and you are deserving of honor and praise!
Such a kind response to a friend. Let me reiterate a thank you for your service. Now that you are retired, I hope you and Matt will do some more Matt & Blake webinars. The last one, the only one I saw was both fun and inspirational.
🙂 Thank you so much! It was my pleasure to serve. Something I am very glad I got to do in life. We may have to do another one soon!
Yes, I believe in divine appointments. Some day, privately, I would enjoy sharing some of mine. Both you and Matt are my go-to’s. I am a better photographer and digital artist because of you. I will say that I admire how you stay out of the commercial world (endorsements and all that) and just do your thing, which is quite wonderful. It allows you stay objective and true to yourself. May God bless and protect you always.
I’d love to hear them! I appreciate your kind words and continued support of our work!
We’re traveling a bit, so I’ll reach out soon, to arrange a time for a chat! Until then, be well!
Congratulations on your retirement and thank you for your service. I can not remember if I found Matt first or joined f64 elite first. But I do remember that thru you I have joined Jim Welninski also. The education I have from the three of you has taken my photography to another level even though when I started f64 I had been a professional photographer since 1972. Keep up the great education of photography!
I commented on Matt’s video so I don’t want to repeat myself, but I will say this. You two have given me the inspiration and desire to learn all I can about taking and processing good images. Even better, I can’t get enough of it. Also, thanks so much for your service. It’s much appreciated!
Excellent story of how your two paths crossed. Coming from a long-time military family (Air Force and Army) I really appreciate all those who have served. Thank you so much for your service.
I enjoy both yours and Matt’s tutorials, have really helped me with my photo editing.
Congratulations on your retirement!
It is so touching to hear you and Matt tell your stories. I am so glad you two hooked up and support each other. I have a great deal of respect for both of you and it makes me smile that you are friends. Thank you for sharing your story.
Hi Blake
Both you and Matt have been inspirational for me and have contributed so much to my enjoyment and knowledge of photography and processing. I appreciate the same things in both of you – your generosity, enthusiasm, the caring that comes across and your love of people. Thank you for your service to your country. Best wishes to you both and to your families.
WOW! You and Matt are so much alike! You are both true friends and great, passionate educators. Thank you both for the care and guidance you offer to everyone. Jerry
Blake, first of all thank you for your service, and congratulations on your retirement. I started following Matt while he was at Kelby One, and continued to follow him when he went to OnOne. I ended up purchasing some OnOne products and training, and that is how I first came in contact with you. The rest is history, I have purchased products from both of you over the years, and I see your offerings very complimentary, not competitive. Thanks to both of you for filling in the history, and keep up the great work.
Blake, you are an awesome guy, thank you so much for your service to this great country of ours. Keep up the great work that you always do, I never understood how you crammed all the things you do into a 24 hour day but thank you for doing that.
I’ve already said a lot after watching Matt’s video so I won’t repeat myself. Apart from both of you being great educators the one thing that makes you stand out from others is the lack of pushiness. You mustn’t have put that into the blueprint! In the past I have bought from others and then I discovered that around midnight (Australian time) I was getting emails from a number of them at the same time. There was no need for any of them to join the military b/c they knew a different way to bombard potential customers! I unsubscribed but later found out that I’d been linked back in again whenever one of them had a new venture. That’s not a business model I favour. I’ll stick with the Blueprint offered by you and Matt. It’s been a joy to have things explained so well by both of you. Blake, if your grandmother is looking down then she’d be very proud of you right now and I guess she’d be nodding her approval at your friendship with Matt. The next stepping stones are waiting for you to lead us into the next composition and we’ll continue to follow in your footsteps.
An excellent tribute to a great friend. As others have said, both of you are passionate and excellent teachers.
Just lately I’ve been watching some cool mountaineering videos and was really taken by the approach of people like Conrad Anker and Jimmy Chin especially when it comes to mentorship and leadership in the climbing world. In a nutshell, when questioned about leadership Conrad Anker talks about the sum total of experience that the members of the expedition bring to it and that being what guides them in decision making. Gone are the conventional attitudes about top down leadership and competition. It’s all about cooperation and a good leader will always be the one that brings out the true potential of all those involved. The reason for seeing this as relevant here is that I felt exactly the same vibe from Matt K and you Blake and I just wanted to say how positive and uplifting that feels today. You guys have got it right. If you haven’t seen it already watch Meru.
Absolutely an enchating video! I feel like I almost know you guys by now, thanks for that.
I started my digital photo editing with Kelby way back in the history, now the two most important educators for me are you two, and I wouln’t put you in any order but I tell you, I have learned a lot.
Lovely to hear both of you appreciate each other! There is no competition in your businesses – they are so complimentary… found you through Matt am delighted to follow you both (and buy courses!). Thank you Blake!
Dear Blake/Matt,
Two of the best teachers and my favourite photo guys whom I have revered for ever. Thank you both for sharing your stories of life and friendships. More of your comedy turns, please, to enjoy over the holidays!
Being a Vietnam veteran of the U.S. Army I wish to congratulate you on your retirement.
Yours and your family’s years of military service are greatly appreciated. As well, I am grateful for your involvement with and impact to the art of photography
I have been interested in photography for many years. Since retiring in 2012, this prior avocation has turned into a passion. Although having an interest in all types of outdoor subjects, my primary focus is bird and landscape/scenic photography.
Your on-line education programs have been a godsend by offering an opportunity to learn new and improve Photoshop skills during my time of Agent Orange related cancer treatments and the Covid pandemic isolation.
Best of luck and looking forward to your future educational videos.
That is so neat hearing how you two met up and developed your friendship over the years. I really had no idea you had the history you have. I so look forward to seeing where your business takes you for the next 10 years and seeing how my photography develops (pun intended) as I follow along through your instruction.
Thank you, Sir, for your service! It was good to see a photo of you in uniform and to see your family beaming proudly! I work on the computer help desk for the Defense Logistics Agency and talk to callers from all of the time about fuel issues (and FedMall!). I signed up for your talks on Topaz and downloaded your Everyday HDR book on Amazon! I remember when ZoneSystem I came out and how you mentioned how Sarah encouraged you in starting your business. I’m not even sure if your oldest son was born at the time. (He can’t be 11 already???). Anyway, thanks again for your service, Blake. Our country can be proud of you. And, yes, I think you and Sarah did have a divine appointment to be at the Marin Headlands during Golden Hour! Blessings to you and your family. With deepest gratitude..
Wow! What a great story! Thank you for your service!
May God bless you, your family and your business!
I am working on my website, and plan to launch it in 2022
Hi Blake,
Congrats on your retirement. I watched both videos from Matt and yourself and thoroughly enjoyed both of your stories. It is easy to see how the two of you are such good friends. I knew about Matt from his Kelby days, when I subscribed for a few years and always liked the way he taught. As you already know, I have followed you from your HDR days and jumped onto f.64academy when it first launched. It is nice to see that many of us follow & support the both of you and we as students DO NOT SEE either one of you as competitors, but as synergestic complements which only enhance your collective teaching and from which we benefit. Along with Jim Welninski, another friend of yours, the three of you have taught me so much. Above and beyond the photography / photoshop knowledge the three of you possess, what I admire the most is the integrity, personal & business ethics, humility and love of teaching and sharing of all your “secrets” that you give your students. For yourself personally, I am constantly amazed at how accessible via email you are and how you make me feel like ‘family’ and genuinely care about your students. I wish the three of you and your family and friends nothing but the best personally and professionally in your businesses. Merry Christmas !!
I really enjoyed listening to both videos. How lucky to have such a terrific friend.
Listening to your individual teaching videos always makes me feel like you are both nice people that care to make sure we understand what you are explaining; i have learnt so much and get great pleasure introducing new skills in my editing workflow. All the best from Australia.
Congrats on your retirement, I did my 20 with the Army’ bet it feels good. again congrats.
Absolutely fascinating, Blake. I am absolutely happy that you and Matt have chosen to do this video. These are superb, and warm, stories.
And, very cool to know you were in the Air Force
Congratulations on your retirement and on twenty years of service to our country. I gotta say, you do look good in uniform.
Hi Blake,
I can’t agree with you more!! You and Matt have taken both my photography and post processing to a new level! I’ve actually started teaching and Photography things that I have learned from you and Matt, and many have joined your website and purchased some of your courses and also Matt’s. I have a real respect for Matt. He was working for NAPP and I was a member (still am). He had a tutorial on Lightroom and I was struggling with LR. I sent him an email that pretty much said I’m done with LR. He sent me an email and asked for my phone number. I sent it to him and he called immediately and gave me a personal tutorial on the issue I was having. You can’t beat that!!! I’m glad to hear you guys are such good friends. And, I know you don’t know how to answer this but as a Ex Marine (retired) THANK YOU for you Service to our Country!!! God bless you and your Family!
Im relatively new to f.64, and grateful I found it. Congrats on the retirement and thank you for your service. It is heart warming and wonderful to see this type of friendship expressed these days.
Your tutorials are great and i’m getting use out of your Palette Effects panel.
Both were beautiful tributes, I’m glad I found both of you, learned more than I ever thought. Thank you for your service, congrats on your retirement. I understand the sacrifices you made, having a husband who is a Vietnam Vet. Here’s to your future endeavors.
Hi Blake and Matt, I watched both videos and they are a great testimony to your friendship.
I value both of your contributions to my photography highly. I found Matt when I joined KelbyOne and then I followed him to On1 because I love his style of teaching and practical approach of ‘what really matters’. Over there I found your courses on colour theory (note that we spell that in the Queen’s English!) and bought PE first then ZSE.
Along the way I bought several of Matt’s courses, despite having a KelbyOne subscription, because I love his approach to some of the subjects.
You have both sown into me and my photography over the years, both through the courses and critiques.
Congratulations on your ‘retirement’… it really means that you move into the next phase of your life. Looking forward to seeing where it takes you.