I recently reviewed Oloneo’s PhotoEngine last week.  Since then, I have had more opportunities to experience it.  I must say, the more I play, the more it amazes me.  Oloneo has it all figured out over there and if you haven’t played around with it yet, you should.  Download the 30 day trial and give it a taste for yourself.  I must say, 150 dollars is a very small price to pay for such a powerful HDR program.  My fellow HDRtist’s, welcome to the Photoshop equivalent of HDR software.


Blake Rudis
f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite are the brainchildren of Blake Rudis. While he is a landscape photographer, he is most passionate about post-processing images in Photoshop and mentoring others.

For Blake, it's all about the art and process synergy. He dives deep into complex topics and makes them easy to understand through his outside-the-box thinking so that you can use these tricks in your workflow today!
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