The On1 Pro Series .. and how this all comes full circle.

I was recently contacted by my good old buddy, Matt Kloskowski, to do an interview with the On1 Pro Series as they launch their latest iteration of On1 Suite 10.  To some this is just another interview opportunity and a chance to be featured on the On1 page.  For me it is much more.

I started my journey with blogging on September 6th 2010 after Matt Kloskowski convinced me to create an HDR Photography blog.  I  was dumb founded by the idea that I could even obtain space on the web and if you showed me a line of HTML code I’d think it was chicken scratch.   Despite all of that, I took his advice and that’s what led me to create EverydayHDR.

I can still remember the first post.  I told Matt in an email that the first post would go live on September 6th.  I was working all day and the weekend prior so I figured I would just write it on the night of the 6th and toss it up here.  Matt emailed me at 8 am on the 6th and said, “Hey man, I am dying to see your first post”.

I learned my first lesson on blogging that day.  In the blogging world you always set the blog post to go live at 00:01 the day it should be up.  So really you are writing the post the day or sometimes week before and have it scheduled to hit the site at a specified time.  Matt dug into me on that one, it was pretty funny.

So here we are over 5 years later and Matt is interviewing me during the On1 Pro Series.  It still baffles me that all of this could come full circle from a silly Photowalk in the Marin Headlands.  Matt and I talk about that in the interview.

Some shots from the Marin Headlands during the Photowalk:

On1 Pro Series Matt K Meeting 2a   On1 Pro Series Matt K Meeting 3   On1 Pro Series Matt K Meeting

What does all of this mean for you?

Quite possibly nothing.  You may be reading this saying, “Gee… that’s great Blake…”  or you may be thinking, “Maybe I should start a blog?”  Either way, I believe we all have a passion for something.  You might dabble in photography, but LOVE cooking, steel sculpture welding, or underwater basket weaving.  Regardless of what your hobby is, there is always a place for you to write about it on the web.

This blog started out as a way for me to talk about HDR photography.  The truth is, I only had about 5 months of experience shooting HDR images.  Five months, that’s it!

I was not a Subject Matter Expert, I had no idea what I was doing, and a true confession… I wasn’t even shooting in Aperture Priority mode.  I was manually bracketing and I was still shooting in JPEG.  I had no idea how to use my camera.  As time progressed the practice of writing about it in an open public forum forced me to grow as a photographer.

You should never turn down a chance to meet new people in any forum.  I was just about to go to a different photo walk in the morning, but my wife said, “No let’s go to the Marin Headlands and then get dinner at Sausalito.”  Then the day of the walk came and I had no desire to hang out with a bunch of photographers, but my wife said, “No, you signed up for this, you have to go!”

You never know.  That one photowalk you went on where you met that guy without a camera could turn out to be a chance meeting that would develop into your life’s work.

Check out the Interview and some On1 Effects 10 Tips


Blake Rudis
f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite are the brainchildren of Blake Rudis. While he is a landscape photographer, he is most passionate about post-processing images in Photoshop and mentoring others.

For Blake, it's all about the art and process synergy. He dives deep into complex topics and makes them easy to understand through his outside-the-box thinking so that you can use these tricks in your workflow today!
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