Last week Nick Marzinski of Trapping Light was in my area so we linked up and went out for a photo shoot and a beer in the quaint little town of Weston.  We went to the local winery and one of the oldest churches in the area.  I have shot this church before, but this was the first time with the 17-40 mm lens.


IMG_4522-BWIt is always nice shooting with a fellow photographer, especially a good one!  You can bounce ideas off of one another and discuss the more technical aspects of photography and post processing.  Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy shooting with beginners as well, but the photo conversations usually do not go beyond f/2.8.

We were near an old railroad intersection and it had so much to offer, even a place to recycle cardboard boxes.  However, when you are shooting, recycling cardboard boxes is not something you will find yourself doing so the recycle bin was more of a distraction than anything.  Nick and I both agreed it was a distraction and the first thing we thought of was, “Clone Stamp Tool”!  

There is nothing wrong with using the clone stamp tool to remove a distraction.  Especially when that distraction could have been physically moved.  I am no Incredible Hulk, my two year old would beg to differ, but if I had the right equipment I could have moved it.

Likewise, that building in the before picture below is a distraction, if I had a bulldozer I could have taken care of it.  However, that would probably have cost me a pretty penny, not to mention the lack of a permit probably could have gotten me arrested.

Thank heavens for the Clone Stamp Tool!  Removing distractions since 1990, now if only I could Clone Stamp Facebook out of my life and Pinterest out of my wife’s!

Want an awesome tutorial for the effective usage of the Clone Stamp Tool?


I noticed Photomatix 5.0 just came out of Beta Testing, I can officially do a tutorial on it now! Stay Tuned for Friday as I unravel Photomatix Pro 5.0!


Blake Rudis
f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite are the brainchildren of Blake Rudis. While he is a landscape photographer, he is most passionate about post-processing images in Photoshop and mentoring others.

For Blake, it's all about the art and process synergy. He dives deep into complex topics and makes them easy to understand through his outside-the-box thinking so that you can use these tricks in your workflow today!
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