When I renewed my NAPP Membership I was offered the The Photoshop CS 5 Book for Digital Photographers by Scott Kelby at no additional cost, of course I took them up on it!  You may be thinking, “Blake, why would you need an intro to Photoshop book, don’t you throw out some awesome Photoshop tutorials every Friday?”  Well thank you for thinking that… I am flattered, but the truth is you can always learn more, especially through Scott Kelby’s incredible teaching style.

Mr. Kelby lays out his books with incredible attention to detail.  The pages are not convoluted with images and chaotic figures.  The screen shots are accurate and to the point making the transition from one step to another almost symphonic.

As a beginner reading “The Photoshop CS 5 Book for Digital Photographers”, you do not have to trouble yourself with fumbling over the crazy Photoshop jargon.  Mr. Kelby helps you tame the Photoshop beast  from cover to cover with his “everyday language” style of teaching.  The Chapter introductions are a blast to read as he mingles movie titles, band names, and song titles into the Chapter title.

No matter your level of Photoshop knowledge, I can guarantee that you will learn something when you read The Photoshop CS 5 Book For Digital Photographers.  I have been an avid Photoshopper (not one who shops for photos, but one who uses Photoshop) since 1999 and was delighted to have learned so much more through the content of Scott Kelby’s Photoshop book specifically designed for digital photographers.

Bottom Line:

If you have Photoshop CS 5 and do not have this book there is something wrong!  You are doing yourself a serious injustice by not owning The Photoshop CS 5 Book For Digital Photographers.  Unless you have some kind of adversity to bettering your Photography, you should probably add it to your collection!

Blake Rudis
f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite are the brainchildren of Blake Rudis. While he is a landscape photographer, he is most passionate about post-processing images in Photoshop and mentoring others.

For Blake, it's all about the art and process synergy. He dives deep into complex topics and makes them easy to understand through his outside-the-box thinking so that you can use these tricks in your workflow today!
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