Had a blast with the in-law side of the family this last week. Nothing like gettin’ the feel good treatment of being home, lazy days, great home cooked food, and some classic Wii time with the Father-in-law! Sarah, her Mom and I went out to the “Refuge” in Plattsmouth for a mid afternoon stroll, we saw a Bald Eagle…in Nebraska! It was pretty sweet, although the lens wasn’t quite fast enough to pick up on the soaring action above the Platte River.
Speaking of the Platte River, chunks of ice were floating in from the Missouri River, I caught some chunks floating by in this photo. Post processing this series of 5 images would have been difficult since the ice objects were moving at a rapid rate, however with the new Photomatix 4.0.1, ghosting issues are next to nil! Both of these images are straight out of Photomatix and have not been post processed in Photoshop yet. I am not lazy! I just wanted to show you that De-Ghosting can be very successful in Photomatix! I will do an in-depth tutorial on Friday detailing just how much time you can save yourself with this little trick.
And some others from the Thanksgiving vacation: