Amazing Sky and Reflection Replacement in Photoshop
You DO NOT need some AI program to make a Sky and Reflection Replacement. You can do it all from the comfort of your friendly neighborhood Photoshop CC. By now, you all know I prefer Genuine Intelligence and workflow efficiency over Artificial Intelligence. I prefer the control I have in Photoshop, and I also prefer to keep all my workflow in the same place while working.
The new AI programs that allow for sky and reflection replacements pull you away from your PS workflow and don’t give you a ton of control over the sky replacement.
Sure, they afford one-click sky replacements, but they aren’t as easy to modify. Before recording this tutorial, I did try the latest AI software to make the replacement and the reflection. While the reflection was pretty spot on, I noticed a few issues with the mask along the edge of the skyline.
I expected to see better results. That’s when I decided, heck, I’ll stay in Ps. There has to be a way to make the reflection there, right?
In this tutorial, I will not only show you how to make a killer Sky and Reflection Replacement in Photoshop, but I’ll also supply you with some of my skies and an Action that will do it ALL for you!
Click here to download the action and skies… AFTER watching the video 😉
I really look forward to your informative and easy to follow tuts. You simplefy things so that an oldie like me can follow – with relish! Thank you Blake.
merci pour la qualité de ton travail et ton extrême gentillesse
merci et à tout bientôt
Excellent tutorial, Blake.
Thanks once more for another great tutorial Blake ‘Blend If’ Rudis.
Cheers, Dries.
Hi Blake! Thanks for all you do. Just wanted to help in your mission. Those who use Brave browser won’t see the rectangle in which to fill in one’s email address.
Hope this helps you!
Blake, you are just great!
Your’e heavy! I’d say Skylum’s squeaking teeth now… Thank You!
I am assuming the sky you want has to be loaded into the sky replacement section of PS. Is that correct?
thanks! that was great!
Impressive and good to keep it all in Photoshop. Thank you
Merci Blake, vraiment utile et magnifique resultat
I just love your tutorials!!! I really enjoy being and f64 elite member — so worth the $$
Thanks for your sharing your knowledge and your enthusiasm!
Can you use this in Photoshop 2020 in any way
my Mac is too old to upgrade the latest 2021
Thank you Blake again for your outstanding contributes to the Photoshop community.
Today it is my grandmas birthday. I will bring her the heaven on earth now 😉
Best regards from Germany.
Another nice one … thank you Blake
Another great tutorial you bring a lot to the party
Blake, you are a star!!
Thanks Blake, as always great tutorial … also much appreciate the gifts !
I hope you are considering donating your brain to science. Your synapses are a non-stop and never-ending source of creativity!
This tutorial as well as the action are great!
Thanks, Blake!
Nice one mate, cheers.
To install, unzip the folder and read the directions….
Well Done, awesome work!
I actually laughed aloud at the 6:23 mark when you got excited and gave us a smile! I also think it’s awesome how excited you still get!
Amazing tip!!!!!
Blake, you’ve out done yourself with this tutorial. Thinking outside the box is your trademark.
superb, as always! You explain it so enthousiastically that you just want to jump in and take action!
Matt Seuss published an excellent evaluation of the new reflection feature in the AI program. He found a number of serious flaws, even in the photos they are using to advertise the feature!
I have tried AI in some apps and have been less than impressed – so far. I do prefer my own way as too much point and click simply removes the creative element. I imagine you will get a lot of spite via social media! Keep up the good work!
This is terrific, Blake. You give us so much for our membership!! Thank you…
Thank you for the actions and sky. Brilliant.
Very interesting technic, Thank’s for sharing.
Fabulous! Just Fabulous!
Blake: Thanks for another great tip and for the action! A very time-saving tutorial.
Fantastic as always. Thanks so much.
Bell well, stay safe and Happy Easter.
Another great tutorial. And thanks for the action and skies.
Skylum has gone from having a valuable plug-in with Luminar to a roaring pain in the butt with A!. Their marketing is intrusive, presumptive, patronizing and over promising. I use it as little as possible.
I have just read Mr. Reynes’s comments regarding Skylum’s Luminar AI.
I so totally agree with him. Skylum built up a fan base and then slapped them in the face with Luminar AI. I guess they wanted to build a new fan base with AI. I don’t know but they have insulted the people who had bought Luminar 3 and 4.
They claimed that the Looks of 4 would migrate to AI as Templates. Not so, as Templates, the Looks are nothing more than a miles long list.
Thank you, Mr. Reynes, and thank you, Blake for showing us that nothing takes the place of using our own intelligence to craft an image.
Thanks a bunch Blake. This is awesome and you are a great teacher. I like this better than just simply using the sky replacement in PS or in the other software programs. The total control is so beneficial. Thanks also for the tips regarding which sky to pick.
Blake … Once again you knocked it out of the Ball Pack!!! Great tutorial!! I’ve seen some other folks do the replacement, but not this way they went through a whole bunch of stuff to get it done.
Oh, and I have a Challenge for you. It would be nice if you would teach us how you go about doing the actions!! I like to to some simple ones, but I’d really like to know how to do a more complicated actions. Maybe an idea for a Course??? 🙂
Thanks again,
I have three courses on action building on f.64 Elite ?
Thank you 🙂
SO Great! Thank you so much
Thanks Blake…
Agree with you on PS vs AI for most things…
I have found PS sky replacement to be more accurate for half a dozen difficult sky replacements.
Long was from the old select and mask. And then S&M again for the water sky reflection
Transform perspective is a new insight for me…
Thank you for everything..
You are the master…
Thank you for this. Yes, PS is best, I’ve tried the other ‘Ai’ solutions but never came away with a believable placement. Your in-depth backgrounder makes this tutorial the best I’ve seen on the subject!
Thank you Blake. Great tutorial and action. You’re a shining star.
Wow, this is wonderful!
I have both Luminar 4 and Luminar AI, they are a joke as far as sky replacement is concerned. Photoshop does a MUCH better work, and your action is amazing. Power to you!
Hej Blake, wonderful tutorial but unfortunately it is not possible to download the skies and actions. At the end of the download I get the message “Cannot download”. It seems that I have no rights.
What can be the problem?
Another great tutorial and with the action easy way to add reflection. One question how do you place the skies into the sky extension, this would be a great way to add my skies to sky replacement.
Again!! Blake has done it again!! Blake has tackled the matter of Sky Replacement with Reflection in a way that only he can do. I am absolutely amazed. This tutorial is different in that it provides for ripple/movement effects and perspective control, not just duplicate sky and put it at the bottom of the image.
Blake has made it clear that the best results are achieved when one takes the time to use ones own intelligence instead of depending on “false” intelligence.
Even the action provides for customization.
Another masterpiece, Blake!
This is awesome Blake…I agree on the limitations of the AI sky replacement software and am so pleased to have access to these actions. It will definitely speed up my workflow!
Thanks, Blake! Great tutorial, skies, and action.
Hello Blake
I do have a problem. Possibly I’m handle this wrongly. (I’m using your action). Having a picture with already reflected sky I can change as You have done in the water. If there is water only without a sky reflected it doesn’t work for me. Flipping the canvas and replacing the canvas I do get the message: There is no sky to replace. Of coarse there is none, because I do have water with reflected clouds and no sky. Am I mistaken and when yes where is my fault???
I would suggest you do it manual, not with the action if only have water and no sky.. just flip your canvas so water becomes sky ie: at top..use replace sky in PS as normal..then flip image back to correct way round and adjust as needed..Have tried with number of images and works fine..
Hi Blake, I’m feeling really dense. I’ve tried the action on over 3 landscape images (all with open sky and calm lake… including one of Mirror Lake & its surroundings at Yosemite). No matter what I do, the action isn’t placing the Sky Replacement into what should become the reflection… It doesn’t place & flip. I do end up with the usual Ps Sky Replacement portion of a new sky in old sky… Win 10, Ps 2021 (rel. 22.3).
Hi Blake,
please inform me how to install your amazing Sky and reflection replacement in PS-CS6.
Best wishes from Germany
That you can’t do in CS6. This is only for CC 2021
I get the message “could not replace the sky-no sky found
Wow, another great and completely understandable tutorial. Just like all of your other products and tutorials!
Blake – I’ve followed you since you had photoshop classes on Creative Live. And comparing you to the other teachers, yours was clear, easy follow, step by step. I’m so glad I found you on f64, I can review all the tutorials you have. I have one overwhelming problem – looking at a raw file and understand what steps to take. Do you have classes on this?
Thanks so much! It really means a lot to me. I do have several courses that discuss this idea, but the best one is the Zone System Express course as it focuses primarily on workflow and what needs/should happen for the best possible outcome. It comes with a sweet panel too 😉
Wow, these tutorials are so very much appreciated, Thank You, Thank You!!
Thanks for this – it was very well explained. Can’t wait to try it out
Fantastic and thank you for the action Blake. Love your videos.