The Artist’s Eye – The Intro to the Artistry

I am working on a new course as I write this. It is called The Artist’s Eye and is a topic I have been dying to discuss for a while.  The catch with this course, no photo post processing, not like you are used to seeing from me anyway!  Just building on the foundation skills of becoming an artist.

By now you may know my background as an artist.  I started out as a Painter (around 5 or 6 years old), then transitioned into photography in High School.  I then went to college for Print Making and Sculpture.  After college I went back to painting and now I’m back to being a photographer.

I hear this one a lot, “You are such an Artist, I wish I were too”, “I don’t know how to be an artist like that” and “I can’t do all that so I just do photography”.  These are all things I have read in emails that have been sent to me from fellow photographers.

I don’t find those words humbling, I don’t even think my artist track record makes me anymore superior than anyone else in the industry.  What I find is how frustrating it is to change the mind of someone who is “just a photographer” and explain to them that they are in fact an “artist”.  Of course then there is the phrase, “You just have the The Artist’s Eye”.  What is that anyway?

The Artist's Eye Logo Video

The thing is I guarantee if you ask any artist what it is to be an artist or even how to become an artist you wouldn’t get a straight answer.  It is nothing more magical than becoming a Doctor, a Lawyer, or a Stay-at-Home Mom.  Anything can be learned as long as it is deserved.

In this new course we will be breaking down some horrible mentalities that are keeping you from being the artist you want to be.  We will be exploring 3 creative processes in Photoshop.  We will do this through 3 very important processes.

  1.  The Additive Process
  2. The Subjective Process
  3. The combined approach

When will “The Artist’s Eye” be released?

The The Artist’s Eye is looking at a late September or early October launch.  However, you can get it sooner!

The 5 Day Deal is currently available once again for its epic return in 2015.  This is one of the greatest photography bundles of the year and is always full of value.  I stand pretty strongly behind their goal and have been a supporter of their efforts for the last 2 Bundles.

I firmly believe what they do for charity is remarkable.  I have never worked with a better team on an affiliate campaign.  It is impressive what they are doing, the bundle they’ve created and the lives they are touching through their efforts.

If you purchase this year’s Bundle through this link you will receive The Artist’s Eye as my gift to you upon the sales end.  This is an affiliate link and I do receive affiliate credit for your purchase.  However, I would not recommend a product to you if I did not think it was true value and as an added incentive you will receive this unreleased course!

***The only way I will be able to get you this free gift is if you purchase through this affiliate link***


Time until the 5 Day Deal Bundle Sale Ends








Blake Rudis
f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite are the brainchildren of Blake Rudis. While he is a landscape photographer, he is most passionate about post-processing images in Photoshop and mentoring others.

For Blake, it's all about the art and process synergy. He dives deep into complex topics and makes them easy to understand through his outside-the-box thinking so that you can use these tricks in your workflow today!
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