What is Dogfish Head?  Some may call it beer, I refer to it as an experience.   Ages ago my palette was quenched by a couple of drops of Yuengling, which sparked my interest in good tasting beer.  I am not talking about Coors Light or Bud Light.  That kind of beer serves one purpose, getting drunk without flavor.

What does this have to do with Photography?  Keep reading it is coming!

I drank my fair share of beers before I experienced true brewed enlightenment.  That enlightenment I speak of is Dogfish Head, the epitome of craft beer.  The instant the first 60 Minute IPA touched my lips I could hear angels singing.  Seriously, I thought that was as good as it could get.  Then I tried a 90 Minute IPA, at that point the angels continued to sing followed by a flood of emotions I have never felt for a beer.  That great huh?

Recently my father introduced me to the 120 Minute IPA.  There were angels, there were emotions, and there was a sudden rush of every memory hastening through my brain that led me to that moment in life.  Then came the reluctant sigh of utter disbelief and fear that I would never taste a beer that could even remotely compare.  Combine the most hop loaded liquid with an impeccably high alcohol content, complete it with the smoothest finish and you have the experience of a 120 Minute IPA.

Those of you who have not experienced it think I am crazy, how can a beer be that moving?  Next time you are out at your local liquor or beer store look for Dogfish Head’s 120 Minute IPA, it is so Epic it comes in an all-white 4 pack box, a smart move on Dogifsh’s part as no imagery can describe its flavor.  If you cannot find the 120 minute IPA, go for any other beer in the Dogfish line up you will not be disappointed.

This last visit home to Dover, Delaware, my old man and I took the tour of the Dogfish Head brewery in Milton, Delaware.  We toured the facility, indulged in some amazing beer, and reached the mecca of beer enlightenment. I of course brought my camera and was in HDR heaven!  Thank goodness they only gave us four 3 ounce samples otherwise my HDR brackets would have been lousy to work with!

The tour was well worth the time as you will hear all kinds of awesome stories about Sam Calagione, the founder, and his insanely creative beers.  I would love to go into detail in this post, but I would be doing your tour visit an injustice!


Sam, you are a scholar among men.  If no one has ever said it before, I must now.  You have given us a beer experience that is far beyond its time.  I cannot thank you enough for brewing the sweetest, most hoppy, and uncanny nectar of the gods.  You have a talent for brewing beer far beyond the scope of my fathomable imagination and for that I commend you!  Please keep your brewing creativity kindled, I look forward to your evolving creations.


I am currently lingering on two bottles of 120 Minute IPA’s that will remain in my cupboard for the rarest of occasions, unfortunately, Missouri does not sell Dogfish Head.  If anyone wants to send me some it would be much appreciated 🙂



Blake Rudis
f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite are the brainchildren of Blake Rudis. While he is a landscape photographer, he is most passionate about post-processing images in Photoshop and mentoring others.

For Blake, it's all about the art and process synergy. He dives deep into complex topics and makes them easy to understand through his outside-the-box thinking so that you can use these tricks in your workflow today!
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