The new features in the Zone System Express 4.0 (ZSE 4)
Since April of this year (right before launching Palette Effects) I started working on a new Zone System Express panel. It started out as a simple patch to fix some bugs with the way some masks ran and it turned into a completely new panel. It has evolved so much since it’s release nearly a year ago and I am pretty proud, so I certainly hope you are too!
If you are new to the Zone System Express, it is an extension that I have coded for Photoshop© CC that is a complete workflow workhorse for your images. It encompasses my practical workflow of Tone, Color, and Effects in a simple to use panel. Almost like a Checklist with buttons to help you along. I have to stress that this is NOT just another Luminosity Masking panel. It is a complete Workflow solution to guide you along while you edit your photos. The Panel also comes with over 6 hours of targeted workflow education!
So what are my new favorite features in the ZSE 4.0?
Luminosity Masking
I have added a very light weight, but highly effective, Luminosity Masking section to the panel. It resides in the tone section and gives you 3 types of Luminance Masks, one for your Lights, one for your mid tones and yet another for your shadows. With the Addition of the Luminosity masking options, the ZSE now has 8 different ways to create practical masks for separating various parts of your photo.
Along with the addition of the Luminosity Masking is a Mask Refinement tool. It is a simple Levels adjustment that is applied directly to the mask of the selected layer that allows you to adjust the contrast of the mask making it larger or smaller at your command. While it was intended for use with the Luminance Masks, it can be used on ANY layer that has a mask.
Automated Curves Adjustments
This is probably one of the coolest features on the planet! Automated Curves Adjustments. In the past, you’d make a mask, manually move the curve and move onto the next adjustment. However, now there are various buttons that will make your image darker or lighter by automatically adjusting the selected curve in your layer’s palette. This Curves Modifiers section also adds enhanced functionality over the layers palette with directional arrows to select your layers and many ways to view and control your precious masks!

The new Curves Mask Modifiers in the ZSE 4 allows you to stay on the panel while you edit your image with Automated Adjustments.
The New Dramatic Radiance
This new feature in the effects module of the ZSE 4 is like a cheat code for great photos. In the past, the Radiance 2.0 was the decided victor of the effects module, but I think it may be time to remove that title belt. The Dramatic Radiance effect adds a beautiful contrast to your image without the soft edge glow.

The new Dramatic Radiance adds all the beautiful Contrast without the soft edged glow of the Radiance 2.0
Check out this video to see my 3 favorite new features of the ZSE 4.0 in Action! I may have added a bonus in there too 🙂
Are you using the new Zone System Express 4.0? What is (are) your favorite Feature(s)?
Throughout the emails I have been receiving from you regarding 4.0 I have not seen any reference to an “upgrade” price, if I were a current user. Is the upgrade the same price for existing customers as 4.0 is for new customers? Just curious.
All ZSE Updates are free for current users.
If could you shoot me an email to with the email you would have used to purchase so I can send you the upgrade information?
I am just as exited as you. Thank you for the endless hours you have spent. I would find it helpful to see more of your work on the new systems. Thank you. I like the fact that your video are between 5 and ten miniutes but straight to the point Thank you.
No problem! Tonight the webinar will show how I use it in a few situations.
An absolutely phenomenal piece of work. CONGRATULATIONS. You really are a legend in your own lifetime!
😮 Thank you so much! I do appreciate it. I am no legend just a tinkerer with a lot of free time (I wish) haha!
Blake I’ve bought your first product and every other one up through this one. I’m just so impressed with the latest iteration. WOW! As you’ve grown as a presenter, designer, and educator, you products have shown that maturity. Keep up the great work.
Awesome! Thank you so much for following me on the journey. Man, has it been a journey, haha! I really appreciate you!
i am a zse come i didnt get an upgrade notice?
All ZSE Updates are free for current users.
If could you shoot me an email to with the email you would have used to purchase so I can send you the upgrade information?
Another great product. I too have bought all your products and this one by far is totally awesome.
Woohoo!!! Thank you so much! Your support is so meaningful to me.
can say yet but it’s an overall very great integration of masquing to get more of each layer luminosity
Blake, I seem to have missed the webinar as when I logged in the show was ending. You said we would redirected somewhere, but I do not see anything regarding the system. Can you let me know where to go? I have gone to your site and did not see anything about this.
Hi Blake!
I’m hoping sometime in the future you will have a tutorial about opacity versus fill. I know that fill works better with some blending modes versus others, but I don’t fully understand why.
Thanks for fighting the good fight!
Hi Blake: I’ve been using the ZSE 3.6 and really found it allowed me to really improve my landscape photos. It’s one of the few panels that I have that doesn’t have a huge learning curve…I can see results very quickly. The v4 update adds much more possibilities, and I congratulate you on its success. I’m excited to incorporate the new features in my digital workflow. Cheers.
I just have the Palette Effects installed. Is my Palette Effects included in your new Zone system?
Hi Blake,
I am 72 years old and quite new to photography. I have Photoshop CC and Lightroom. Along with On1 Photo and Raw.I follow all your lessons in On1 Plus, and am a big fan. I understand you have 2 plugins for Photoshop. Pallet, and Zone Express. What would be the cost of both Plugins and all associated Lessons. Regards Oswald.
Hello, I am new to luminosity masking and im considering buying your product but im not much interested in the panel. I want to learn how to create luminosity masks using tones and other techniques. You think this is the right product for my needs?
It very will could be. It teaches you all of that and so much more. You may think you don’t need the panel, but once you use it that may change your mind.
Am loving ZSE 4.0 learning so far. Curious…you mentioned you only use Lightroom maybe 5% of the time. What do you use for your photo management ?
I use my own management system for cataloging and manage it with either ON1 Photo RAW or Adobe Bridge.
hallo Blake, i reach now the workflow section of zse course. i learnt a lot on photoshop… with your course. great job ! you are a great coach !
i have some questions :
– when you tune highlight and shadows in ACR you use contrast=35 (example). this is not in luminosity blend mode so could damage image colors… what is the difference between the simple contrast button in ACR and curve ?
– any idea to have a dynamic contrast to avoid using on1 or topaz clarity just for it ? i have seen f64 tuto with action (seems complex !), would be nice to include in zse palette
– in lumenzia we can use lasso on sea or on rocks and add contrast. the curve detects the histogram position and puts two points and sharp contrast where histogram exists. can you do the same ?
– can you explain what palette would give me more than zse ? it is 247 euros and i am afraid color course is redundant,…i suppose i will wait for black friday discount 🙂
Thanks, marc!
1. They are close to equal, the downside of ACR (LR) is that 1) you cannot see whatthe contrast is affecting2) no blend modes
2. The Dynamic contrast is on the panel already. There are two options, Enhanced Contrast and Enhanced contrast 2
3. I am not sure, I do not use Lumenzia and do not know what you are referring to.
4. Absolutely, Palette Effects is the sister course and panel to the ZSE. It targets artistic effects more so than the technical aspect of editing. It was designed with Color Theory in mind so there is a lot more Color Theory education. It is also another 7 or 8 hours of non duplicated education. You can watch the ful video here:
hallo Blake,
1. about lumenzia i used in the past i meant that when you apply a selection with lasso tool you have a certain histogram. lumenzia analyzes it and put a point on each side and a sharp slope between the two points across the main content of histogram. nice contrast without trying -3 to +3 :
can you add such feature in a future release ?
2. how much is palette when we have zse ?
Thanks for the link, really cool stuff! As far as I see it, I could replicate it, but that seems like something that Greg Benz has engineered very well. For the sake of the ZSE and ensuring I do not step on any toes, I would likely not include that. Afterall, I am not out to make enemies in this industry by stealing technology 🙂
As for the PE, look out for an email for it with the ZSE4 purchase. Otherwise, shoot me an email and I can work something out for you!
hallo Blake,
thanks for the mail
do you have contact page or email because didn’t see on your site ?
i still hesitate with palette. it seems so “artistic” when i look the tuto with fireman that i am not sure i will have your feeling to do such beautiful effect. Moreover i have the feeling that ON1 is useless now and i must learn photoshop and leave on1. big dilemna.
i am very intersted in making nice black and white. i am coming from sylver efex pro2 and have problems to do same with ON1 especially without u-points (easier than dodge and burn brush) and zone system.
i am familiar with hue/sat below bw layer and channel mixer tuning all sliders but gradient map remains a mystery fo me and i find it is not covered enough in your course for wildlife, flowers, portrait and landscape or architecture.
can you explain the difference between black and white with palette and with ZSE ? i had the feeling it was totally covered in ZSE with a huse/sat below a gradient map.
best regards
hallo Blake,
how do you see to use ZSE to make pure white or pure black background and selections easier.
i often shoot with studio flash still life and food on white background and white is not pure white so instead of making selection, in lightroom i paint with a +2 exposure around object until red clipping indicator is red. tedious and sometimes overlaps object.
to be clear, here is the kind of retouching heavy to do in photoshop :
best regards
Blake you are the man. You must work 20 hours a day. You are absolutely one of my favorite couches and have learned sooooo much and it is greatly appreciated. The upgrade to 4 without additional cost is really special and I love it. I am 84 and you make me feel young again when editing my photos. Thanks You