Not Just a Texture Effects Engine, Quite Possibly an Artistic Workflow Workhorse

Topaz Labs just launched their newest software addition, Topaz Labs Texture Effects!   While the name implies this is a Texture based application plugin, I can assure you it is much more.  Often times I refer to plugins as Tools, if that is the case, this is the whole Workbench and then some.

While you can apply textures for various effects you can also apply many more useful effects:

  • Lens Flares
  • Light Leaks
  • Scratches
  • Color Overlays
  • and many more!

The Texture Effects User Interface

Texture Effects User Interfce

The Good:

  • There are many more applications in the plugin than Textures.  I was pleasantly surprised by the numerous functions in Texture Effects.  From Textures to Color Overlays and custom built presets the possibilities are limitless.
  • The plugin is fast… I mean wicked fast!  Once the textures are loaded in on the initial launch it just soars.  Each adjustment is responsive and happens in real time.
  • The ability to share and download other peoples presets very easily is incredible.  As if there weren’t enough great presets in the program you now have access to any preset that has been shared on the Topaz Labs community.  I have 4 in there as I write this!
  • You can upload your own textures right into the Texture Effects Machine.  It takes a bit of time to load them in, but once they are there they are readily accessible on the fly!
  • The user interface is user friendly and quite easy to navigate.  This is critical especially if you  have never been in the Plugin before.  The learning curve is rather small.

The Bad:

  • Topaz once again blew my mind.  I will be up a lot later every night playing with the different possibilities in Texture Effects.
  • On a serious note.  So far I do not have anything to report about the Con’s of Texture Effects.  As I get my hands dirty with it beyond the 5-7 hours I’ve spent in it, I will be sure to report any limiting factors here.

The Bottom Line:

While I am a huge fan of Textures and I have a stylish way that I apply my own without plugins, I see a strong place for Texture Effects in the last phase of my workflow, artistic effects.  This plugin is a Artistic Effects Workhorse with countless ways to apply some of my favorite styles relatively quickly and most importantly, efficiently.  For me, this plugin is a no brainer, but many purists pout there may not see a need for it and that is understandable.

>> Learn More about Texture Effects <<

Before After Texture Effects 2



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Blake Rudis
f.64 Academy and f.64 Elite are the brainchildren of Blake Rudis. While he is a landscape photographer, he is most passionate about post-processing images in Photoshop and mentoring others.

For Blake, it's all about the art and process synergy. He dives deep into complex topics and makes them easy to understand through his outside-the-box thinking so that you can use these tricks in your workflow today!
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